We had a couple of legendarily bad COs. The first, when I was younger, had the initials JT. He came through and made a lot of pomp and fluff about how the temple would have never been built if the Israelites had simply gone and nailed two boards up on Saturday. It was hig big analogy for only going in service a couple hours each Saturday not being enough! He would repeat that phrase often, "nailin' your two boards". He also said, "where you gonna be, toes up"! (Symbolizing being dead!) He was the same guy who when first visiting my wife's small rural congregation looked at the audience squinting and saying "This doesn't even look like God's organization!" and "Only about 1 out of 3 of you out there will survive Armageddon"! He made it through a second visit, then we received a letter saying that his wife couldn't handle our cold climate. Wonder if he really got the hook!
The other CO who I think took the cake for being pompous and not even remotely accepting a life of sacrifice! His initials were SC and he made one rural circuit put him up in a motel because nobody's home accomadations were good enough! This was a congregation that struggled to keep the lights on, let alone afford a week's hotel stay for the pompous ass! This was the same CO who later fell in with Larry Graham and Prince and let them show him the sweet life! He was sent to a rural southern circuit after finishing his tour with the 'Artist'. We all speculated that it was punishment for getting caught up in being a wannabe JW celebrity! Anyone else ever encounter this Silver-Spoon-In-Hand Douche?