Tiktaalik , Cedars does say that he is a JW and I asked some questions that I would really like answering :-
why do witnesses only check out Watchtower info in Watchtower publications?
why do they not feel free to read, lets say early Church Father literature for themselves ?
Cedars says " you think JW'S have been brainwashed , you make me laugh " that sounds like a defensive stance .
HE also says"there are clearly many of YOU who don't question, don't look at both sides and just believe in any hype " I told my story to show that I had clearly looked at both sides FOR MYSELF , independantly and without bias .
Yes, if someone wants to hold a set of beliefs that is their right , but at least know everything about the people and organisation promoting those beliefs . I genuinely feel that most JW's do not realise the extent to which they are hoodwinked by the Watchtower . Pardon me for trying to open their eyes . If, knowing the whole truth about the Watchtower, they still choose to follow that is their perogotive.
If you were going to buy a car from someone that I knew to be less than honest would I not be derelict in giving you that information ?
Why is it o.k for the Watchtower to openly slag off the church that I love (read any of their study leaflets ) but no-one is allowed to make any comment , however well backed up , about them ?
is this better? I am sorry that I appeared to be paragraphist !!! I just got carried away