Apostates are narrow-minded victims of brainwashing who believe everything they read

by cedars 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    Jhine - Dont feel about not getting the original post, Cedars is well known in the EX JW world, but you couldn't have known that. He is still a Jehovahs Witness. I dont know his reasons, but many JWs stay in this reigion, because it teaches people to shun friends and family that leave, so they somewhat forced to stay. Some are working against the org from the inside.

    Reaching Jehovah's Witnesses is very difficult. They usually attend hours of meetings every week to reinforce their beliefs. They are instructed to only read Watchtower literature and to fear and distrust any other source of information. The odd look you got when you tried to show them anything else is fear. You might try using just the bible, but the WTBTS twists the meaning of many scriptures, or use only parts of them, so they might get fearful even with that.

    I have found asking questions is good. They are are comfortable answering questions, as they are taught to share their faith. if you ask the right questions, it may help make them think. If you google "cult mind control", you will see the JWs use every one of these methods. If you are really interested, check out Cult Mind Control by Steve Hassan

  • jhine

    LisaRose , thank you so much for your kind words and your practical advice , which I will take and act upon .

  • EdenOne

    The problem with us, JW's is that we receive subliminal training to be acritic.

    Desguised as "submission to the theocratic arrangement" and "double respect to the leading ones" and "trust in Jehovah" and His "earthly organization", we have become devoided of critical thinking. This tool would be so useful in defending the Bible and Christian beliefs. Because the more you question, the more you get answers, and new questions and then again new answers ... it's an evolving process. And in the end you may arrive at very different conclusions than where you have started. But when you DO arrive to conclusions, then in your head you can rest assured that you're standing on solid ground and then you can defend your beliefs, whatever they are.

    The problem with us is that we are taught to let the "organization" do the homework for us. Why bother reading worldly authors? The "slave" has done it for us, harvested the good bits and served them for us to digest. In doing so, they, the spiritually invincible ones, get exposed to the spiritually harmful ideas and stay immune to them, while we, poor souls devoided of spiritual immune system, can stay happy, sheltered in the aseptic organizational bubble.

    We let this happen because we PRESUME they're honest. Intellectually honest, I mean. Problem is - they aren't. Or at least, they haven't been. I don't know how this generation "post-Jaracz" of GB members think. I am yet to see a book like "Creation" or "Trinity" or some other that heavily relies on external quotes coming out off the print in their era. I can only hope that they are more "internet-aware" and realize that they can no more get away with the intellectual dishonesty.


  • cantleave

    I don't know how this generation "post-Jaracz" of GB members think.

    See their watchtower series on 607 - that should tell you they are an bunch of dishonest, duplicitous Jerks.

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    I find this thread fascinating. The person that originally posted this diatribe that Cedars posted is obviously projecting.

    The arguments are weak and seem to be the product of poor observations.

    I work with elders and pioneers and if they resorted to this pathetic attempt at reasoning, they know that I would call them on it.

    If there is one thing that witnesses cannot stand, it is being wrong and having it pointed out to them.

    They make sure not to make any missteps, and I let them enjoy their delusions.

    Just a note: The civility at the place where I work is very enjoyable, but that is because of me - not them.

    I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike Christ. - Mahatma Gandhi

    A man is but the product of his thoughts: what he thinks, he becomes. - Mahatma Gandhi

    You must be the change you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Pickler

    Further from what edge one has said, for those of us born in our subliminal training begins from birth.

    Questioning, means reading supplied questions, discussion, means reading out supplied questions and answers. Demonstrations from the platform tread a well trod path, after years you can predict the speech & word patterns. It's familiar. You sit in meetings slightly stupefied, tired, listening to the same things year in, year out. But it is your parents who are doing it, and there is no sugar coating cause you are young, we were all told to expect Armageddon at any time.

    You can recognize The JW writing style, and now it seems crazy that you could ever have believed it, but if its all you ever heard it's all you know.

    I believe this is the true genius of JWs, how the could get us so isolated from the world. When I came out, I was so ignorant.

    I'm surprised at how many people who are still "in" as JWs are here, I'm glad this forum exists for you. Whether your out, in or whatever, we all have a lot in common.

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