I fainted a lot when I was young so I ended up with the store nurse. My family and I saw the nursing area. I don't think they have nurses anymore in dept. stores. My father insisted that the entire family trudge through the store together. My siblings and I had no common interests.
Your worst store accident?
by Apognophos 22 Replies latest social humour
I have never been in a store that had a nurse in my life. Maybe it was a New York thing? Or a fancier store than I ever went to.
This didn't happen to me, but my daughter was in the grocery store and somehow my grandson, four at the time, managed to pull the cart over on himself. My daughter was trying to comfort him, meanwhile other customers are speculating as to whether to call child protective services or not. He wasn't badly hurt, but my daughter always looked quite young for her age, while my grandson was quite tall and strong for his age. My daughter was quite self conscious about people thinking she was 14, when she was actually 23 (no lie, someone once thought her husband was her father, he was a year older) This was her worst nightmare come true. She is a sort of paranoid person, she was contemplating running from the store and escaping to Mexico when cooler heads prevailed and everybody calmed down.
When my daughter was small, we would go to K-Mart fairly regularly. Somehow, she would always get away from me, but I'd find her in the Toy Department. On one occasion, I went to the Toy Dept., but she wasn't there. I started to panic, wondering whether I should stay in the Toy Dept. because that was her favorite haunt, or if I should walk around the store looking for her. Then I heard a voice over the intercom system, saying, "There's a little girl at the Service Desk. She says her name is B-----. Will her mother come and get her?"
I was grateful for her wisdom in finding the right place to report herself "lost," but was my face red!