A comet coming to end the world? Useful information?

by EntirelyPossible 177 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus

    DD said

    'If everything fails then it will be joining a group that ensures your survival, not being an isolationist.'

    Excellent point. You would likely be better off to move to an area where people are already noted for community type thinking, and being tollerant and helpful.

    'If a comet did hit the earth, so what. There are worse ways to die.'

    Agreed. I'm not afraid of no damn comet. Bring it on.


  • PSacramento

    I think that providing for ourselves in the case of an emergency is always important.

    Natural disaters can effect anyopne at anytime, though we do tend to get some notice when something may becoming our way.

    I always try to have a supply of water and food for at least a week ( which canbe stretched for two if need be.

    I have a wood buring fireplace and surplus propane, I have the know how to hunt and kill and skin, degut and cook wild aniimals if need be ( we all learned that in the army of course).

    I have always followed the view that " 2 is 1, 1 is none" and have a back up for everything.

    Beyond that I know some people that stock pile stuff big time, inclusing guns and ammo ( yes even here in Canada).

    The seriosu issues we can all potential have to deal with is:

    Flooding, power outages and in our area, snow closues, freezing and so forth.

    Not a bad thing to be prepared.

    That of course is logical and not paranoia.

  • heathen

    I've seen scientists explore the chance of asteroid the size that killed the dinos off hit the earth and being able to survive , 0 . just about everything would be on fire .

    I do know the jdubs believe that they may have to survive a period of survival before being rescued since some are weak when it comes to food they may very well pass that test . Probably try to eat their neighbor . LOL I've seen some porky ones in my time

  • EntirelyPossible

    Indeed, PSac, basic emergency preparedness is a very important thing.

  • james_woods
    Indeed, PSac, basic emergency preparedness is a very important thing.


    But of course, it requires much more than just 5000 rounds of .223 - for example: dried and canned food, bottled water, basic medical supplies, fuel and facilities to cook with, survival gear such as tents and sleeping bags, etc. Perhaps even a radio or something to see if the rest of society is still there.

  • PSacramento

    For sure, I mean we have seen these issues with our own eyes over and over in our lieftimes.

    The great black out of the east coast a few years ago.

    Ice storms in Quebec, hurricanes that leave people without food and water for weeks.

    These are all things that DO happen, no harm in being prepared.

    In Canada you can order a "disater kit" that comes with stuff like water purification tablets, first aid and so forth.

    You cna go to any survival/outdoor store and stock up on heating gels, glow sticks, basic surival stuff that is always good to have around.

    Get a kit or two for the house and one for the car.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Another important aspect is physical fitness. All the prepping in the world does you no good if you can't handle the physical stress of dealing with an emergency.

  • AGuest

    Interesting thread (peace to you all!).

    If I were a prophet, and could tell the future the first thing I would look into is the next lottery number

    I'm not sure prophets can tell the future, per se, dear Miz Wuz (peace to you, my sistah!): my understanding is that they can only share what they're GIVEN to share, and have no knowledge of their own as to future events. So lotteries would probably be out of range for them. Now, a diviner (which is not a prophet)? That might be another story. Although, "all money ain't (necessarily) good money" (they are buttloads of TV shows about people who won the lottery and wish they hadn't... as well as those that did and are still glad they did), so...

    All the prepping in the world does you no good if you can't handle the physical stress of dealing with an emergency.

    I agree with this to some extent... but I would think being prepared MENTALLY and EMOTIONALLY... so as to be capable of DEALING with the situation... would outweigh being physically prepared. If you can't focus, stay focused, think straight, problem-solve, and make decisions... NO amount of "pumped-upness" is gonna help you. You have to be able to assess the situation... then figure out what to do (how to use what you have, how to find/make what you don't have but need)... to survive the longest. I know some folks that are in GREAT physical shape that I KNOW couldn't think their way out of a paper bag.

    Also, wilderness survival is not exactly the same thing as, say, survival in an urban disaster... and vice versa. New Orleans after Katrina didn't HAVE to happen the way it did. Many unprepared MINDS... on EVERY level... is what caused THAT fiasco.

    My survival "problem" would be overcoming the sight of blood. For some reason, it always makes my knees buckle. If my LIFE depended on it, though... or someone else's... I would find a way to get over it. Absolutely. I've had to before, so I know I can do it.

    If someone has proprietary access to future events that involve the fate of the known world and choose NOT to bring it to the proper authorities then that person should be condemned for jeopardizing humanity (which includes EVERYTHING we have done to get to this point).

    Not sure I can agree with this, dear Sab (peace to you, as well!). I mean, the track record is that such folks are never believe such ones (just spend eons lauding them AFTER the event, you know, when everyone wants to go, "He told ME first! Yeah, I knew ALL about it!"). To the contrary, they are almost always labelled as kooks, or enemies of the state, etc., and either locked up and/or put on heavy, mind-altering meds... or killed. Along with their families. I mean, there is the assumption that world governments don't already know things that are prophesied - but that's not a wise assumption to make, IMHO.

    Don't fool yourself: the world governments and most of their leaders aren't actually interested in the "people". You know, the "47"... or more... "percent"? The people who run the world don't believe the world is FOR the "people" but rather, that the "people" are really nothing more than an expendable inconvenience most of the time.

    To disregard science in such a context would be to doom us all.

    Not necessarily - those who might be affected by the "doom," perhaps (although, I believe in a resurrection, so depends on which event is really "doom")... but not sure you can say "us all." But consider the choices: put something out there... and lose everything - family, friends, livelihood... mind... even life - or remain quiet and let those who also know (and SHOULD do something about it) work it out. That they DON'T is... whose fault?

    And you can't just blame the governments/leaders: the world (i.e., the "people") doesn't WANT to know about such things. If they did, every person would unequivocally evacuate a potential disaster area when they are ORDERED... if not at least warned.. to do so. And no one would die in floods, eruptions, hurricanes, etc., that didn't HAVE to... because they HEEDED the warning. But folks are often more concerned about their THINGS/possessions... than their lives. It is the human condition.

    In all seriousness, what IF a comet hit and this prophetess somehow survived. Would she emerge from the destruction wearing a crown?

    If he emerged, he would probably be just as devastated with grief as anyone else. I mean, if he KNOWS there's a comet coming (and it's true) AND knows that there is NOTHING that ANYONE can do about it (and THAT'S true)... why send everyone into a panic? They can't DO anything about it. No, hear what I said: I did not say "they MIGHT be able to stop it, so he should give science a chance to seek a solution." I said he KNOWS they can't do anything about it. Meaning, if they COULD, then his prophecy that they CAN'T... would be false, yes? As would his prophecy that a comet IS coming in the first place (what, one part is true and one part isn't?? If ANY part is false, then I would say one should consider that ALL of it is false). And if the first is FALSE... because he's not 100% certain a comet IS coming (in which case he should keep his mouth shut anyway)... why send people into an unnecessary panic? Why SAY anything at all?

    Because imagine the reception for this: "Hello, NASA? Yeah, well, I think... I mean, I know... well, I don't really know but I'm almost certain... but I can't say fer SURE... that a comet is going to hit the earth. What am I basing that on? Well, on... well, I think it's on... wait, no, maybe it's because... Look! Don't ask me any questions! Just BELIEVE me when I tell you I THINK a comet's gonna hit the earth!"

    Yes, I can see THAT sending folks to stand at attention...

    I just can't see the other survivors appreciating the fact that she knew about it all along and didn't inform the right people.

    I would think that depends. I mean, if he says what I stated above, "Look, folks, yeah, I knew a comet was coming; I also knew there was absolutely nothing anyone could... or would... do to stop it, and so why rob those people of their last years of happiness?"... would they really take issue? I mean, if they did, he could also say, could he not... "And if you mess with me, a little sumthin' sumthin' is gonna happen to you, too!" Whether THAT'S true or not. Right? Because he's already established a track record for being accurate by the fulfillment of the event. Who's gonna question him now?

    No, I think that MOST of the survivors would probably be trying to be his BFF and try to find out what's gonna happen next and/or what they should do NOW.

    Again, interesting thread. I personally wouldn't pay too much attention to a "doomsday" prophet... unless it was my Lord warning ME of what is coming (so I could prepare). Whom I would listen to because he's never lied to me before. Everyone else? Well, they're either gonna have to show me some proof... or my Lord is going to have to corroborate. Since it's more likely that my Lord will tell me whether it's true or NOT... I'll stick to listening to him.


    A doulos of Christ,


  • sabastious

    Shelby, it's feasible that modern technology could deflect a comet threatening the world. If a "voice" tells someone that a comet is coming that would mean whatever was communicating could prove the comet existed, otherwise it must be regarded as lunacy or deceit. The person getting the communincation has two responsibilities 1) to prove the existence of the comet 2) to inform the proper authorities.

    No, I think that MOST of the survivors would probably be trying to be his BFF and try to find out what's gonna happen next and/or what they should do NOW.

    The issue is that we have the technology to try to keep the catastrophe from happening. Because of this we have a responsibility to use technology to it's fullest potential when our world is threatened. If premonitions of world destroying comets IS possible, then the people capable of them should be working in cosmology or other space sciences. That way when they have their visions, voices or whatever, humanity will have ample time to prepare.


  • AGuest
    Shelby, it's feasible that modern technology could deflect a comet threatening the world.

    Ah, dear Sab (again, peace to you!)... you didn't give attention to what I stated. Which I tried to be VERY clear about.

    If a "voice" tells someone that a comet is coming that would mean whatever was communicating could prove the comet existed,

    If "it" chose to, yes. "It" might not. For "it's" own reasons. Even so, depends on what others consider to be "proof".

    otherwise it must be regarded as lunacy or deceit.

    Given what such ones would need as "proof"... indeed, it most probably would be. Hence, the choice to remain silent and NOT say anything.

    The person getting the communincation has two responsibilities 1) to prove the existence of the comet 2) to inform the proper authorities.

    Ummmm... says who, dear one? WHO says tho WHOM responsibility is "owed"? Of course, those who would be adversely affected are going to say the responsibility is/was owed to them. However, the source of the communication might say the responsibility is owed to "it." The one with the information may think the responsibility is owed to himself/his loved ones only. Who SAYS who it's owed to? And what makes them "right"?

    The issue is that we have the technology to try to keep the catastrophe from happening.

    To try, yes. To succeed? I'm not so sure.

    Because of this we have a responsibility to use technology to it's fullest potential when our world is threatened.

    Threatened by who, dear one? An "enemy"? What if our world is the enemy? Not saying it is; just asking...

    If premonitions of world destroying comets IS possible, then the people capable of them should be working in cosmology or other space sciences.

    I can see why you would say that, but not sure I agree. I certianly don't think the fields of cosmology, etc., would agree... unless these attended renowned institutions of learning and had significant letters behind their names... and credentials/recommendations to offer. What, though, if the one who has such premonintion is named simply "Ulnek" and lives in the Amazon forest? What if he's, say, only 8 years old?

    Let me ask you this: let's take the events of Harmageddon (just as a hypothetical, here - don't want to get into a "debate" as to the realities of it or not, but let's just say, for purposes of this discussion)... how do you propose science to stop that? Here's what is stated to occur (not saying it will, here; just using it as a hypothetical):

    "I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty. ... They gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.

    "When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them."

    Now, I am a HUGE fan of flicks like, say, "Independence Day," and "War of the Worlds," and "Cowboys and Aliens" (although, not so much that one), and "Armageddon," and... well, anything "spaceship-y." Because I like the "thrill" these present. But I'm interested in hearing how you think an event such as "the battle on the great day of God Almighty"... waged in a place called "Harmageddon"... can be thwarted by science. Given how those who are involved in are gathered by, say, "impure spirits that look like frogs," etc., who do you they can... perhaps even will... do it?

    That way when they have their visions, voices or whatever, humanity will have ample time to prepare.

    What, though, if it's understood... even KNOWN... that humanity CANNOT prepare... no matter HOW much time is given?

    Again, not trying to say HERE that any of this is real or will occur. Just a hypothetical for purposes of this thread and trying to understand your thinking, here Because, again... I don't think you really "heard" what I stated: if the prophecy is TRUE... AND it includes the PROPHECY that there is nothing that can be done... which is ALSO true... such one should tell science/the world... why?

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


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