Change the Channel!

by perfect1 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • perfect1

    On another thread Band on the Run mentioned the JW habit of changing the channel on TV abruptly whenever something spiritually reprehensible might pop up.

    Recently, when I was visiting a family member, they changed the channel from SUMO WRESTLING so that we would not see such obscene nudity.

    Of course, as soon as I left the room the channel would switch back. Id come in and it would switch again. This made for a semi entertaining game of seeing how close I could get before the channel changed.

    Do you have any fun or silly stories of someone changing the channel on you.

  • flipper

    PERFECT 1- That's hilarious. God forbid we get sexually turned on by watching 500 lb. sumo wrestlers getting jiggy wit' it , eh ? JW's are so weird. Sometimes I wonder if a lot of JW's have clothes on coming naked out of the womb just to have " mock " modesty

  • whathappened

    We were counseled time and time again about the dangers of watching "worldly entertainment." Some people reported that they would just fast forward through the "bad scenes." The speaker would say don't do that, don't watch it at all. Everybody watched the movies anyway, so what good did it do?

  • problemaddict

    Well I don't know, if my kid is with me in the room, and a ridiculous horror movie preview that figures watchers of "The New Girl" are somehow its target audience, I turn it pretty quick. I just don't want the images and scarey stuff in the little guys head.

  • AGuest
    God forbid we get sexually turned on by watching 500 lb. sumo wrestlers getting jiggy wit' it , eh ? JW's are so weird.

    It simply a matter of trying to hide their hypocrisy, dear Mr. Flip (the greatest of love and peace to you and the Missus!): the WTBTS has some of the most sexually repressed... and hypocritical... people that sex is a HUGE "problem" for them. And since sex is, fleshly nakedness is. There are tales of rampant homosexuality and other depravity among the leadership, as well as coverups among the COBE's. It's nothing more than like that man, who killed his wife/fiance, yet literally led the hunt for her body. You know, that whole "doth protest too much" thing.

    JWs think that if they ACT like they a problem with nudity it will "show" that they have a problem with "illicit" sex... which I found to be just the opposite. I never heard SO much talk about sex... and things related... than when I was a JW. True, they were things spoken of "in private" (which was also curious, since some of those same folks would fall back utterly aghast when such "talk" was brought up in public/mixed company).

    When I grew up, Playboy, Penthouse, and Xaviera Hollander were the "must reads" for my contemporaries, so sex was just... sex. No big deal. The WTBTS, however, not only tries to control the sex lives of their unmarried members, but that of the married ones, as well! And in doing so, they've not only "demonized" something they have NO business opining on in the first place... at least, not as to adults, married or otherwise... but made it "titilating" as well. How many would REALLY reject "forbidden fruit"? It's usually the FIRST thing most people... and particularly young people... WANT to eat, that which they believe is "forbidden" (forbidden WHY? What's so "special" about it??). And so they CREAT the environment they SAY they avoid.

    Do they have ANY responsibility, as men supposedly joined to Christ, in this area? I mean, sure, they can OFFER what some things may mean... if the KNOW (and for the most part, they don't)... and they are ASKED (and the indivudual(s) want to KNOW). But what they DO is no different than, say, the medieval (and modern LDS) practice of "checking the sheets"... if not having a group of men literally standing there when the act takes place to "ensure" the woman truly IS a virgin (how do you determine that the man is??). They just force their members to tell them... since they know doing this (literally checking the sheets, etc.) would cost them members.

    All things are CLEAN... to CLEAN people. If one is NOT clean "on the inside"... then pretty much nothing is clean to THEM. And so, they try to make everything "unclean" to everyone else.

    Goodness. SO glad not to be in THAT [mind] prison any longer. Watching naked 500 lb sumo wrestlers can be "arousing". Okay, sure. If anyone is... so what? Not like folks don't aroused when looking at fully-dressed persons. Ever been to a JW mate hunting ground? I mean, District Convention? WAY more "titilation" going on there than with ANY silly sumo wrestling match...


    A doulos of Christ,


  • perfect1

    Flipper: No Joke. No Nudity allowed in my family. I did have a JW friend growing up whose family would all get naked in the showers at the beach- and I was HORRIFIED. Having never seen a naked human before. My next shock came next from the National Geographic where I studied the first adult penis ever- which was attached, like a long flaccid brown snake, to an Indian Saddhu. (shudder)

    whathappened- its a high control group, when it dictates what way grown adults should choose their entertainment.

    Problem addict- I think I know exactly the clip you mean- as I was like- why, oh why do they have to do this- show a chainsaw near a ladies head on regular TV!!! I have limits too, but its different that the bizarre channel changing JWs do when people on screen kiss to long or some magic happens.

  • ShirleyW

    Oh yeah, my mother used to do that all the time, especially for dancing and music shows. Their was even a time when Johnny Carson got a bit risque, and other shows as well.

    I left my RIchard Pryor album on the record player one time, and of course she found it and threw it away. She relayed that story a few years after it happened while some Dubs were over, but then I said "you never found the one I bought to replace it, did you?" ended that conversation.

  • perfect1


    All things are CLEAN... to CLEAN people. If one is NOT clean "on the inside"... then pretty much nothing is clean to THEM. And so, they try to make everything "unclean" to everyone else.

    I couldnt agree with you more!

  • AGuest
    my RIchard Pryor album on the record player one time

    "I am reaching into my pocket for my license!"

    "Be home by e'leben. You understand e'leben don'cha? "'Leben'clok, hav yo *ss heah!"

    "Don't come runnin' thru heah lak you crazy! This a neybuhood; this ain't no residenjul distrik!"

    Was a time when I could recite every word on that album, dear Miz Shirley-Girl. EVERY word. With EVERY emphasis. ROTFLYBO fun times! Then... Jay-Dubs got ahold o' me. Sigh...

    Thanks for the memories, girl!


    SA, on her own...

  • Apognophos

    Yes, as AGuest says, by stigmatizing sex, they only make it more interesting to a youngster! What's funny is that JWs claim that they are not a prudish people -- this claim is always heard from the platform, and is followed by the speaker discussing all the different kinds of things that are off-limits for JWs. So sex is only okay to talk about when we're being told what kinds of it not to do, but it's verboten when someone discusses sex in a positive light, or makes a harmless joke about it, on TV?

    Of course, the difference is that the pro-sex statements only come from worldly people. Witnesses will let a speaker forbid and denounce various sexual acts from the platform because whatever he says is from the slave and therefore they have to sit and listen to it, and make sure their kids hear every word about what kinds of sex acts count as "sex". It's only when a worldly person talks about sex that JWs show their true colors as puritans and shout, "Change the channel!"

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