In my old congregation there once was a retired and quite elderly Circuit Overseer who became an elder in the congregation. He was once of those individuals who was extremely hardcore (pun intended, but true) elders who dominated the Body of Elders, stern, formidable, hardheaded, stiffnecked, stubborn, and just plain old unloving. You know, an elder who ruled the congregation by the book—a book published back in the 1930s/1940s. A young unmarried couple in the congregation committed fornication. They were disfellowshiped. Next thing you know, on Thursday night’s meeting there was a Congregation Needs talk given to the congregation. He got up there behind the lectern and began his special needs talk. Fire and brimstone came forth from his mouth, condemnation, pounding on the lectern, bombastic voice utterings into the microphone, of what can be done and what cannot be done in any kind of sexual activity. You can do this, but not that. You can do this, but not that. You can do this, but not that. You can’t go down on your wife. You can’t do it doggy-style. You can only kiss on the lips and only on the nipples. No other place can you kiss. No fingering of any kind, anywhere. You can’t even “hold” your own erect organ—that’s masturbation. On and on he went. The congregation was dead silent. I remember looking over at his wife, sitting there with her head down looking into her lap. I remember thinking, “Poor woman.”
Change the Channel!
by perfect1 21 Replies latest jw experiences
Do any of them (not just the jws, but also other christian sects) even realize that the sexual immorality that Paul was speaking about had to do with WHO (or what) you were having sex with... not HOW you were having sex?
What a 'sermon' to hear, Inkie!
Do any of them (not just the jws, but also other christian sects) even realize that the sexual immorality that Paul was speaking about had to do with WHO (or what) you were having sex with... not HOW you were having sex?
Robot Sex?
Indeed, Tammy. It was a "sermon to hear" and never forget.
Apparently, there were conversations about it amon the congregation during the week such that on the next Thursday night meeting, a different elder got up and tried to "soften" the blow of such strenuous words uttered at the previous Thursday night meeting. Nevetheless, that particular sermon was remembered for a very long time.
Robot Sex?
No, lol... I was thinking more along the lines of bestiality, as laid out in the OT. When Paul spoke of gross sexual immorality that he thought should be responded to with shunning (in corinthians), it was regarding an OT law on who you could not have sexual relations with... in this case, someone's father's wife. He never said a word to anyone about what was or was not acceptable during the act of sex; only who it was with.
Any time there was a nature show on that involved evolution my dad would change the channel.
(And lets face it, it's pretty hard to discuss nature without the topic coming up)
The JW's around here were totally obsessed with pornography.
Given that they apparently never watched it or read it or otherwise indulged, some days it seemed as if very other sentence would include mention of porneia! (My iPad couldn't cope with that word and edited it to "potential"! LOL!)
My elderette study conductress was the worst. Totally buttoned-up...her 20-year old daughter was chaperoned at all times...she saw pornography potential round every corner. One day she came to my study with another pioneer, and told stories about children in the local school having sex in the lunch hour, encouraged by the teachers. I laughed and said that was nonsense, which of course it is. They looked at me with stern disapproval, and told me it was true. Neither had children in that school. For a JW, pornography is everywhere. I've never known such sex-obsessed people!
AGUEST- Indeed, indeed, WT elders and other WT higher ups ARE very hypocritical about sex and as you mentioned - EXTREMELY intrusive into rank & file JW's sexual lives. I mean - I was 1 month away from marrying Mrs. Flipper back in 2006 - hadn't attended meetings for 4 years - and some JW people came up to spy on me unknowingly from 80 miles away where I used to live . I was getting Mrs. Flipper some tires on her car at 9:30 A.M. in the morning and answered the door fully clothed at her house.
Then the elders call me up out of nowhere to say they are bringing me up on charges of " circumstancial fornication ". That ended up being 10 months of back and forth with me finally challenging them trying to DF me with no evidence- and I won my appeal of the DFing so I could still talk to my older JW parents. But I had to fight it and threaten lawsuits to get them to stop intruding into our life. It was crazy. After Mrs. Flipper and I got married it almost made me want to start checking our bedroom before we got intimate to make sure no one was recording or taping us ! LOL ! These WT elders make a person paranoid !
Your point of some people finding Sumo wrestlers a turn on is well taken. I understand some may find that interesting. That's cool. Not my cup of tea, but I get it. Different strokes for different folks. Everybody has their likes. I think I'd find mud wrestling between Beyonce, Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer Aniston a bit more to my taste though ! LOL ! Just sayin '. Bless you as well , and your hubby ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Years ago I remember counsel about listening to classical music....the real classical, Bach, Beethovan.....The reasoning was "what was the story that inspiried that music, did it involve violence, fornication or any other kind of immorality?" If it did the conclusion was that anyone who listened to the music even without knowing the story behind it condoned that behavior.
I remember looking over at his wife, sitting there with her head down looking into her lap. I remember thinking, “Poor woman.”
Sad thing, she ain't alone, dear Inkie (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear brother!). For some reason, older sisters always felt the need to "open up" to me about that kind of thing. Sigh...
He was probably impotent... and used his "laws" as an excuse to cover it up ("NO, Fanny! I will NOT...!" whatever it is "Fanny" mighta wanted him to do. Because he prolly couldn't... or was actually gay... or had something "else" goin' on the side (not that I would have a problem with the first, two, and highly doubt the third... but again, I think this guy "protests TOO much." Which some folks tend to... when it's personal...).
Sorry, dear ones, for "going there,"... but the hypocrisy just ticks me off.
A doulos of Christ,