Blood is a big one for me. The few people I have had the conversation with basically say, "so the word abstain means nothing to you?"
So that is the simple mind you must embrace to make sense of why people feel so strongly about it. Going into what "abstain" actually meant in context of the dietary measures they were referring to, means very little. They focus on abstain. So the attention has to be drawn to wether since that is the word with weight, if taking fractions, organs, donating blood for testing and what have you, is actually "abstaining" from blood.
In a true sense of the word, none of us can abstain from it......we all have it!
In fairness, the episode doesn't really accuarately portrey JW's stance. It basically states they feel only prayer is needed. It was a little silly. Anything that brings attention to the ridiculousness of it is fine with me. Patient dies in the episode so that is good too.