So...why is taking blood essentially viewed as unforgivable by the WT?

by sd-7 42 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • JWOP

    The Watchtower Society is a product of Satan, and the blood teaching is a great way to get human sacrifices.

  • punkofnice

    If a member of the GB needed a blood transfusion (not fractions), there'd suddenly be 'new light(TM)' to facilitate the recovery of the paedophile lover.

    Let's see. The WBT$:

    Protects paedophiles

    Promotes shunning

    Holds JCs for the suicidal

    Bans education

    Has rules galore with menaces and penalties for non compliance

    Lets anyone die who needs blood

    ...............................................IT'S A DEADLY CULT!!!

  • EdenOne

    While I can understand the interpretation of "abstain from blood" as a total prohibition of intaking foreign blood by any means (understanding being different from agreeing), what I simply cannot understand is the prohibition of storing one's own blood for later use during, for example, a surgical procedure.

    The only scripture support given for that prohibition is one in the Law that stated that the blood of a slaughtered animal should be poured to the ground, and by those means, wasted - Deuteronomy 12:16 ; 15:23; Leviticus 17:13. You may read the WT's stand on "autologous blood" in The Watchtower, March 1, 1989, p. 30, 31.

    However, since blood is a symbol of life, wasting the blood to the ground was symbolic of returning that life to Jehovah. But if I am ALIVE and therefore, in full posession and control of my LIFE, why should my own blood be "wasted" and "returned to Jehovah", if my life continues to be in existence? Makes no sense at all. There's absolutely no logic, no doctrinal basis, to ban the storage and use of one's blood for ones's own benefit. Besides, if we are no longer 'under the Law' and it was rendered 'obsolete', how come we justify this ban on the grounds of the Law?

    I think that will be the next doctrinal change regarding blood. It's even more obvious than the change regarding blood fractions, which seems completely ilogical to me.


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