Here is what the jw's say about disfellowinshipping. I can not seem to past the text from their website help. on disfellowshipping
by d 15 Replies latest jw friends
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Did you mean this? If not what specifically are you referring to?
(See also Disassociation; Judicial Committee; Reinstatement)
(Note centered heading below:Quotations)
announcement: od 154; w96 1/15 19; om 148
appeals: od 153-154; om 147-148
association with disfellowshipped: w88 4/15 26-30; w86 3/15 18
court case over refusal: w88 4/15 26, 28-29; g87 10/22 27
value of terminating: w11 2/15 31-32; w11 7/15 32; g87 8/22 13
benefits: yb93 191; w88 4/15 27-28, 30-31
Bible basis: w06 11/15 27; od 202
children: od 158; om 151-152
parental relationship with: w07 1/15 20
parental responsibility toward: lv 208; w07 1/15 20; km 8/02 4; w01 10/1 16-17; w88 11/15 20
comments by historian Edward Gibbon: w88 4/15 30
discipline: w03 10/1 22; w88 4/15 26-27, 29-31; it-1 629
Hymenaeus: it-1 1164
discussion: w06 11/15 26-27; od 153-154; jv 186-187; w91 4/15 15-16; om 142-149; w88 4/15 26-31; it-1 787-788
early Christians: w88 4/15 26-27, 30; g87 10/8 27
Corinth congregation: w88 11/15 14-15
elders visit disfellowshipped: w96 11/1 14, 16; w93 7/15 27; w91 4/15 21-23; w91 8/15 28
encouragement for disfellowshipped to return: jr 145; w06 9/1 21; w06 11/15 30; w98 10/1 8-18
theft to cover investors’ losses: w97 7/15 13
Aborigine returns to truth: w94 5/1 30
accept deservedness: w11 2/15 32; g98 3/22 30; g97 6/8 27; g96 9/8 27; w88 4/15 30-31
achieves reinstatement: w10 3/15 32
attack in media (Norway): yb12 156-157
attracted to truth because of another’s: w92 3/15 12
chief defends Witnesses: w91 7/1 31
come to senses: yb12 157; w06 8/1 27; g01 11/22 20-22; w98 10/1 9-11
elders visit disfellowshipped: w93 7/15 27; w92 8/15 31
family member disfellowshipped: w12 4/15 12; w11 2/15 31-32; w11 7/15 32; w06 1/1 11; w95 12/15 28; g92 12/22 20-22; w88 4/15 26, 30; g87 8/22 13
lady impressed by: yb93 191
parents disfellowshipped: km 8/02 4; g92 10/22 19-21; w88 4/15 30
fear of: g97 1/22 12
feelings of disfellowshipped: jr 73
funeral for disfellowshipped: km 3/97 7
grounds: w98 3/15 22; w92 7/1 19; w89 9/15 18; w88 4/15 26-27; it-1 788
absolute endangerment of mate’s spirituality: w88 11/1 22-23
apostasy: w89 10/1 19; w86 3/15 15; w86 4/1 30-31; w86 10/15 31
bestiality: it-1 292
bloodguilt: w06 9/15 30
blood transfusion: jv 183-184
dishonest practices: w86 11/15 14
drunkenness: it-1 656
employment involving gambling: w95 5/15 23
extortion: w89 1/15 22; it-1 789
extreme physical abuse of family members: lv 221; g01 11/8 12; fy 150; w88 11/1 22
fits of anger: w10 6/15 30; lv 221; g01 11/8 12; g97 6/8 20; fy 150; g93 2/8 14
fornication: w06 7/15 29-30; it-1 863
fraud: om 142-143
gluttony: w04 11/1 30-31
greed in relation to bride-price: w98 9/15 25
gross uncleanness: w12 3/15 31; lv 137; w06 7/15 30-31
loose conduct: w06 7/15 30-31
lying: w09 6/15 18-19; lv 163; g00 2/8 21
obscene speech: lv 136-137
persistent gambling: w89 7/15 30
polygamy: jv 176
pornography in certain cases: w12 3/15 31; w06 7/15 31
promoting sects: it-2 886
reviling: lv 138; w96 7/15 17-18; it-1 991; it-2 802
sexual abuse of children: g93 10/8 10
slander: w89 10/15 14; om 142-143
subversive activity: w95 10/1 31
use of tobacco: w06 7/15 30-31; w95 5/15 23
whether violation of secular law is: w86 10/1 31
willful nonsupport of family: lv 220-221; w88 11/1 22
‘handing over to Satan’ (1Co 5:5; 1Ti 1:20): w08 7/15 26-27; w06 11/15 27; it-2 869-870
hearings: w92 7/1 17-19; w89 9/15 18-20; om 145-147; it-1 788
discerning repentance: w95 1/1 27-30; om 146
distinguishing between weakness and wickedness: w95 1/1 27-31
distinguishing gross uncleanness and loose conduct: w06 7/15 30-31
example of Law covenant: it-2 233-234
Jehovah’s example: it-2 233
urging wrongdoer to change: w95 1/1 30-31
how disfellowshipped can obtain literature for personal use: km 7/04 3
how to treat disfellowshipped: lv 34-35, 207-209; jd 147; km 8/02 3-4; w88 4/15 27-28; it-1 788
2 John 9-11: w88 4/15 27; it-1 200
“as a tax collector” (Mt 18:17): w91 4/15 20-21; it-2 1070
divorced noncustodial parent: g97 12/8 11-12; g91 9/22 30
family members living at home: lv 208; w07 1/15 20; km 8/02 3-4; w91 4/15 22; w88 4/15 28; w88 11/15 20
family members living elsewhere: w11 2/15 31-32; w11 7/15 30-32; lv 208-209; w07 1/15 20; km 8/02 4; w88 4/15 28; g87 8/22 13
if disfellowshipped answers the phone: w95 7/15 27
relatives: w12 4/15 12; lv 208-209; w92 6/1 18-19; w91 4/15 22; w89 9/15 24; w88 4/15 28
how to treat family of disfellowshipped: jd 149-150; w95 7/15 26-27; w91 4/15 23-25
Israel (ancient): it-1 787-788
synagogue procedure: it-1 787
Jehovah’s example: it-1 787
loving provision: lv 35; g96 9/8 26-27; w95 7/15 25-27
meaning of term: w91 4/15 16
mercy in connection with: w91 4/15 20-25
mercy toward disfellowshipped: w95 12/15 28-29; w91 4/15 17-25
newly baptized wrongdoer: w96 1/15 19
not evidence of unforgivable sin: w95 12/15 29; w92 9/15 12
prayer about disfellowshipped: jr 139; w01 12/1 30-31
procedure: om 147-148
propriety: w11 8/15 31; w98 3/15 22-23; w88 4/15 26-31; it-2 225
purpose: w11 2/15 31; w06 11/15 27; jv 186-187; yb93 191; om 146-147; it-1 629, 787; it-2 1150
cleanness of congregation: w05 9/1 30-31; it-1 787; it-2 1150
discipline: w03 10/1 22; w88 4/15 26-27, 29-31; it-1 629
supporting elders’ decision: w07 1/15 20; w06 9/1 20-21; w99 6/1 17-18; w92 6/1 18-19
unbaptized publishers not disfellowshipped: om 148; w88 11/15 18-19
understanding clarified (1952): w06 5/15 24-25; jv 187
1985: w86 1/1 13
1986: w87 7/15 15; w87 9/15 13
1988: w89 12/1 17
1990: w91 11/15 9
wrongdoers no longer associating: w87 9/1 14
constitutionally protected privilege: w88 4/15 29
right of every society: w88 4/15 30
A.M. Number 1
The one that made me burst out laughing was "Jehovah's Example." exactly!
are you talking about this article?
"Those who were baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses but no longer preach to others, perhaps even drifting away from association with fellow believers, are not shunned. In fact, we reach out to them and try to rekindle their spiritual interest.
We do not automatically disfellowship someone who commits a serious sin. If, however, a baptized Witness makes a practice of breaking the Bible’s moral code and does not repent, he or she will be shunned or disfellowshipped. The Bible clearly states: “ Remove the wicked man from among yourselves. ”—1 Corinthians 5:13.
What of a man who is disfellowshipped but whose wife and children are still Jehovah’s Witnesses? The religious ties he had with his family change, but blood ties remain. The marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings continue.
Disfellowshipped individuals may attend our religious services. If they wish, they may also receive spiritual counsel from congregation elders. The goal is to help each individual once more to qualify to be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Disfellowshipped people who reject improper conduct and demonstrate a sincere desire to live by the Bible’s standards are always welcome to become members of the congregation again."
Yes I am
The website is just mutton dressed as lamb.
They seek to make the religon appealing to others, and in order to do that, they dishonestly represent what they actually teach to its members.
Who would have thought it would be such an effort to make the 'truth' appealing.
00DAD Disfellowshipped individuals may attend our religious services. If they wish, they may also receive spiritual counsel from congregation elders.
I'm pretty sure most elders do NOT know this. I was an elder for over 20 years and we were NEVER told such a thing. The most we were instructed to do was make our perfunctory annual visits on DF'd ones in our territory.
Of course it could be new, I've been out for a few years, but I doubt it.
I think this is just media hype for the PUBLIC. A little PR for the uninitiated.
Wasanelder Once
Don't you guys get it? Spiritual counsel for disfellowshipped ones is "don't talk to anyone but us. Come to all the meetings and sit your ass down. Write a letter in a year or so, unless you are related to one of us and just give it about three months." Doesn't that about cover it fellow ex-elders?
Wasanelder Once, sadly, you're right.
Still, it sounds better in print than it ends up working out in practice.
Their idea of "helping" is to shun you.