you two are awesome I have tried to wake up my family and so weird cant get a call back this cult hurts families and breakes them apart so glad you are awake I feel so happy to be here with all of you. Oh BTW texted my sister who has a husband elder to show me 1914 in her bible guess they cant boldly proclaim truth once I asked a question it was silence
Hubby and Wifey saying Hi
by free and happy 75 Replies latest jw friends
LoisLane looking for Superman
Free and Happy, You and your Family have been thru so much.
The stress you were under, must have been unbelieveable . Wow!
I am so happy for you for saving your daughter and you all getting out together.
Hugs to you All. ((((((((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))))))))
Welcome from The North Pacific
Just Lois
The greatest thing you both have going is that you do not have to worry about rescuing your spouse!!
Straightshooter- I think for the most part elders are there for the right reasons. These are the ones that step down eventually. But for the rest of them, the power is too much for them to handle. We`ve seen so many servants who turn into monsers when they become elders.
Happy@last- Hows the skiing up there at the mo? We are planning to dash up one weekend. Maybe a good party at your k hall one saturday night?
RosePetal- The blood issue is something that happens to other jw`s, not you. When it does happen, its a test of how deeply indoctrinated you are, not how faithful you are to God.
trujw- good question about 1914. They have no answer to that. And yes, we feel awesome! Thanks for making us feel very welcome everyone!
LoisLane looking for Superman
Gone AWOL, You guys are one Great Family!
Figuring out animal sacrifice is not the same as the human sacrifice that the Watch Tower Society demands, was right on!
That you still have your precious #1 daughter and she is studying to become a Nurse, to of course, help people, is wonderful.
Thank you and your wife for both sharing your heart rendering story, with a Great Happy Ever After!
Watch Tower Society, 7 1/2 million, minus one Fantastic Family!
Just Lois
Welcome to you both. Wonderful to have you here.
Great idea for the briefcase. Top class exit!
It made me think of an article I read recently and how it might have been great to pull off the same stunt with your briefcase.
Two artists sent a package to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in an embassy and embedded it with a live webcam so they could trace the whole journey of the package.
(This is the link to the original article )
Wouldn't it be neat for someone to do the same as you did, but embed a hidden live webcam in it and give us all the link on JWN so we can watch and hear the elders' reaction when they see the briefcase, and also see what happens to it all.
Takers anyone?
free and happy
Rosepetal - Thank you for your post, I hope your friends son is still doing well, it is encouraging to me to know we are not the only one to go through this, our children are so precious, it makes me sick to think that I even questioned what to do but I was so brainwashed into thinking I was a bad person to go against all I knew, thank goodness alarm bells went off in my brain but for many it hasn't. All my girls are free and happy and have much better morals than alot of witnesses I know, says alot for the truth doesn't it?
HELLO dear free and happy and gone AWOL.......
I love your story and strength and so happy to hear that you were united in your stand. My husband and I and our sons left together also 15 years ago and were raised inside all our lies.
So many are not as fortunate as we are as you mentioned "two by twos into the ark lol" And have lost so many including their mates and or even their children.
Your story is very familiar to many of us and ooh WELCOME by the way!!!!!
so glad your daughter is doing well and you never made the choice to withhold blood to save her life. It is one of the non forgiveable sins the WTBS haunts us with and you were correct in your research. We are not under the old law and yes it did apply to animals and because the life of it is IN the blood and the life or spirit of it belonged to Jah it was to be poured out so that it could return to him this way. Back to the dust that it came from like Adam was told.
Now many different ones will interpret the bible and say one must not take eat blood and that taking it in any way is like eating it.
This is not true as the one who gave his life on our behalf said that "there is no greater love one can have than to be willing to surrender his life on behalf of one another.". And if life is in the blood then when it comes to the choice of giving blood and or taking it, that is how one can surrender his soul to an extent. Even if one doesn't actually die in the event it is the "giving of ones life" ( to the extent it is in their blood ) on behalf of another.
it is also the same individual our lord that said " in order to have life in ourselves, to live forever, to be resurrected, to remain in union with HIM one " MUST EAT the flesh of the son of man AND drink his blood!". John 6:48-59 The bread and wine are a metaphor type of the actual body and blood Per se but it is something that is encouraged to either sustain or give life. So our lord would not say something and then later teach us from the WTBS that it is wrong. Who's voice do we listen to? The voice that gave his life on our behalf or the WTBS that so many of us listened to for ooh so long.
NOW...some may ask "how or why do you listen to a voice or follow someones lead that you have NEVER seen?". Even though this one only teaches me that love is truly the answer to how a follower would live and walk.
Well it's not hard after your whole life following the voice of another that you also have NEVER seen and that lies to you and teaches love but does not really show it. ( after all most have never met the GB been to bethel knows even who actually is writing the wt and literature etc...who's in charge ). ....
But have always trusted them and what they tell them and never questioned them as the so- called faithful and discreet slave.
Again welcome and nice to have met you both
Love Justmom
free and happy
Likeabird - Husband is ROFL-ing on floor!
I would pay good money to see someone do that!
Interesting stories,thanks for sharing.Loved the "briefcase-gate"!!
Congrats on choosing life and daughter.