Hubby and Wifey saying Hi

by free and happy 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • Roberta804

    Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Awol,

    Thank you for giving us your story. You will find peace and comfort here and a lot of laughs by so many who have also left. I loved your briefcase on the platform. They may have thought there was a bomb in it being so full. (I can hope can I?) lol. Take off your shoes and stay a while. For Mrs. Awol, look up a product called Unjury Protein for your hair. Increasing your protein will decrease your stress and stop your hair from falling out. You sound like such a nice couple, I am glad you are here.

    From Michigan, USA

  • flipper

    FREE AND HAPPY - Very nice to have you here my friend ! Enjoyed reading your story and of course, it makes me mad at these pack of wolverine elders who treated you , your husband and family so unjustly. It's just disgusting how inhumane their behavior is. When I stopped attending in late 2003 I experienced similar unjust treatment from elders giving me their personal opinions as counsel instead of using the Bible or even WT publications. It was a huge eye opener for me which caused me to stop attending meetings cold turkey at age 44 after being born and raised in the JW cult for years. I'm glad that you, your hubby, and daughter are free and out of this insane organization ! You are among friends here who have experienced similar things. Look forward to getting to know you and your husband better. We are here for you, O.K. ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    GONEAWOL- Welcome to the board my friend. I'm so proud of you and your wife how you both stood up to the unjust elders especially on behalf of your daughter who needed a life saving blood transfusion. Good for you and her ! Don't blame yourself for being sucked in by the mind control manipulation of these leeches within the congregations you were in. We ALL as JW's were under some kind of mind control and if you get a chance I highly recommend reading Steve Hassan's books on mind control " Combatting Cult Mind Control " & " Releasing the Bonds- Emowering People to Think for Themselves " & " Freedom of mind - Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs ". All 3 of those books REALLY explain HOW cults like Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientology, and Mormons use mind control tactics and how it changed our personalities for quite a few years and how we can reintegrate our authentic, human born non-cult personality back within us and recapture our true authentic self that was stolen from us by the WT Society. These books helped me immensely even AFTER i had stopped attending 4 years previous to reading them.

    I'm so happy for you folks and please know we are here for you as friends and a support system, O.K. ? Take care of that little family of yours. Stand up and be proud of what you've both accomplished ! You've made some major positive life changes and have your freedom of mind and thinking ability again. And that's a good thing

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    A big warm welcome to you both from sunny Wales

    Thanks for sharing your story......couldn't make up it.........glad you found us!

    Paula x

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Hello and welcome! I was also fortunate to escape with my husband (Just Ron) and children. I'm so glad your daughter is healthy now.

  • NoRegrets

    Hello to you both! Like the two of you, my wife and I were married at 18 and seem to have beat the odds (married 13 years now and counting). First, your story about the briefcase made us both smile. That was awesome! Second, congratulations on having the awareness to listen to your heart and conscience and not allow your child to be sacrificed in the name of the Governing Body. You are both so lucky to have gotten out and it's so great you made the right choice in letting your precious child have the blood needed to live!

    Congratulations on breaking through the brainwashing, and please post often!


  • wasblind

    Welcome to you both

  • mouthy

    WOW!!!! A very BIG welcome from Granny on the board. Thanks!!! So happy to hear your daughter was given what she needed
    ( IN THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE)<<< glad you knew that .
    It really warms the cockles of my heart to read that you BOTH came out!!!So many lose their other half because
    of the strict laws of the false prophet.....Also I had a support group for EXJWs a couple obeyed the WT & lost their child...
    NO BLOOD. Imagine how guilty they felt when the LORD opened up their minds to the REAL truth...

    God bless you both (((((((((HUGS))))))&

  • Quandry

    Wanted to add my welcome!

    Isn't it amazing what stress can do to you? My husband, daughter and I went through a beating from the elders...I had shingles for what must have been over a week or two and DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT until one day I just kinda noticed that my back was really burning-I looked at it in a mirror and it was inflamed all accross.

    Maybe you should write a note to the elder from hell telling him thanks for driving you away from the Witnesses and back to your you can all live happily without the #%# JWs!

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Welcome from another UK member. Thanks for sharing your stories.

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