The case has been appealed.
Candace Conti Reminder: WTS Appellate Brief Due Tomorrow
by DNCall 17 Replies latest jw friends
After the adverse judgment against them WT filed an appeal with the California State Court of Appeal. Their opening appellate brief is due today. You should use this site's search function to see the various threads on this. Usually an appeal is made if it is believed that a procedural error was made by the lower court. Once we review the opening brief, we will be able to read their arguments in support of their appeal.
mind blown
Anything yet? Did the WTS miss a deadline?
Probably didn't miss a deadline. I'm not too familiar with the CA courts, but the way the federal courts work is that you can submit the brief electronically up to midnight the day it's due. The court staff then won't enter it until the next day (and it's still about 7 AM in California so I'm sure they aren't in yet).