who--on here--has been out the longest

by bigmac 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigmac

    who has been out of the troof the longest?

    i resigned in the early 70's---but dithered as a guest at meetings for a few years--to keep marital peace. but no field service at all--honest lol.

    all connection to the cult ended in jan 1981---i had an affaire with a married sister--she got d/f--but--i'm told----it was announced=--i couldnt be d/f as i was no longer a jw---but was declared to be an apostate !!

    so--32 years --minimum.

    any challengers?

    ps--you might ask why i still write on here--but thats a bit off-topic

  • Fernando

    Total newbie by that measure - approaching 4 years (walked out mid-2009).

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Terry, Dogpatch, Mouthy, James Wood?

    Dogpatch and James Wood have you beat, they both left in the 1970s

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Memorial 2009 was my last meeting. Relative newbie and a work in progress.

    Out mentally 100% but still a bit scared about meeting any dubs from my past and what to say.

  • bigmac

    well- resigned in about 1972---i know the bruvvers tried to get me back in before 1975 happened---but that made me even more deternined to stay out

  • Rob Crompton
    Rob Crompton

    I walked out late summer of 1965, duffed later that year. Kept contact with family until early 80s. Then after my father died, who was not a JW (had been but faded), the rest broke off all contact. I guess I make it easy/inevitable for them to do that because I was accepted for ordination as a Methodist minister in 1984.

    Still not given up all hope of some sort of reconciliation with some of the family still in.

  • bigmac

    looks like your the man--Rob Crompton. can i ask what country your're in?

  • Rob Crompton
    Rob Crompton

    I'm in the UK. Originally from Manchester, pioneered in Clydebank, lived all over the place, now settling in to Herefordshire.

  • bigmac

    i thought i remembered your name--rob Crompton--i see your on


    have you visited it lately?

  • Rob Crompton
    Rob Crompton

    I drop by there from time to time - but it has been fairly quiet for some time



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