"there is no Hell or enternal torment
Jesus is God's only begotten son-not part of a trinity
one day God's kingdom will come upon the earth. when and to what extent remains to be seen.
Jehovah and Jesus expect his followers to live by righteous standards according to their best imperfect abilitites, [sorry gay guys]
so for those of you that are sincere where else is there to go? that's why most of us stay in the borg that's right i said borg.
as someone with a bible trained concience you wind up being caught in the middle. how many feel this way?
It sounds like you have plenty of other options with these core beliefs."
I have some suggestions for ya.
Become a Christadelphian: They have the most identical beliefs and core beliefs relating to JWs. However, they do not believe Satan is a being, they believe the term "Satan" when used in the bible is in reference to specific political systems, individuals in opposition or conflict.
Become a Jew: Where to go you say? A synagogue of course! Talk about great times on the sabbath! Converting to Judaism is not a great leap, they too also believe in God's Kindgom being established on the earth. They don't just follow the principals of the mosaic law, they still abide by it. You will find it nice as they really harp on righteousness, so expect a change in your diet. What's cool is that you can still accept blood transfusions even as a Jew following the law! Im not kidding, they obviously had this truth first and know all the in's and out's of this scripture. They have known for a LONG time that the law respecting blood was in reference to both a hunting ritual and a dietary regulation. They reject pagan holidays, gays, the trinity, and the belief in Hell [depends on the orthodox/unothodox view]. Go listen to Rabbi Tovia Singer, he has tons of content about how the idea of the trinity never existed in Judaic history. Unfortunately, you will have to choose YHWH in your theology, you see Jesus is considered a fake and one of many crazy messiah wannabes. Judaism completely rejects the Greek New Testament and they provide pretty good reasons for it. For Jews, Jesus couldn't have been the messiah because he didn't fulfill the messianic prophecies as told through oral tradition centuries prior to Jesus' existence. The understading of the messiah was written and heavily studied from Talmudic and ancient rabbinical commentaries. Jews never expected the messiah to rule invisibly from the heavens, but physically on the earth. You will now place your hopes and salvation in a future and earth ruling bad ass in this current political system.
I don't mean to be too snarky here but im trying to show you that many of the beliefs you hold as "Truth" are held by many other religions, cults, sects, and organizations. These beliefs that are within the framework of the Watchtower have already existed for hundreds-- if not-- thousands of years before Charles Taze Russell.