Hello anybody? I have just joined this website and just wanted to say hello to anyone out there. I am so nervous,after thirty odd years in the "truth" I feel as though my husband and I have just walked into a room full of smiling strangers and we are just standing here hoping to God someone will come up and speak to us. Scared and excited and hoping to wake up one morning and not wonder what we do now??? Sorry starting to talk too much.
by franticfran 62 Replies latest jw friends
Hello right back. My husband is an active JW, I am not. Don't worry about chatting too much. This is a pretty open and expressive place.
Hi sister! You are in the right place. I remember being exactly where you are at right now.
Welcome to the board.
Welcome to you and your husband!
Let us know a bit about yourselves - Everyone has a story to tell!
Think About It
Good job on the your intro post Fran. You will make some new friends here.
Hello and welcome! I was in the truth from the age of 4 and began fading at about 44,,most of my family are still in like my parents and such,,you will find a lot of help on this site and learn a lot too