franticfran - . . . The children stopped coming and finally we gave up ourselves and so for the last year we have sat here not talking about what we were all thinking about,but I hope thats coming to an end.
Welcome franticfran, You and your husband have done nothing wrong. Other posters have given good advice, especially about reading Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs"). I would also recommend visiting Steve Hassan's website and watching videos of Steve Hassan like the following video. If you are financially secure, I would recommend contacting Steve Hassan to locate a cult exit counselor who lives near you to help you and your husband heal and possibly to help awaken your children.
Enjoy the rest of your life, because you are a Dangerous Cult Survivor. Post often on JWN to help you release your emotions so that you can get through the stages of grief that will occur because of your loss in belief in the leaders of the Watchtower. Go out and meet non-JWs who you may share common interests. If your children are shunning/marking you, send them lots of emails with pictures of you and your husband having wonderful times with your new non-JW friends doing new and fun activities. Also, if you do not go through exit cult counseling, please read the thread We're both out 2 years now- crossroads by LittleMac to understand how important it will be for you and your husband to improve your communications with each other as well as to understand how your personalities may change so that you can grow together instead of apart.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,