I, too, believe that anyone who stays a JW deserves "respect" at some level [for their very personnel choice] - it doesn't mean you have to agree with them. You have to remember that the very nature of this religion - being a cult - causes STRONG attachments. Many on this board have a common thread when it comes to leaving JWs. For many, they didn't leave overnight. It took months and in many cases YEARS to dis-engage with this religion that at one time they would have DIED for! So, I take it that any JW who is visiting this forum has already taken a step to consider a different "view". None of us should feel that as soon as someone joins this board, they are under obligation to QUIT their religion... remember, many are stuck in because of the SHUNNING policy or because they still don't have a clear view of these negative things they are now learning about their beloved religion.
Also, I for one enjoy it when JW Apologists respond to YouTube videos. I like to demonstrate to them how they use Logical Fallacies to support the WTS views. When it becomes clear to me that they don't understand what a logical fallacyis, I encourage them to study the meaning [and use of] "Logical Fallacies". They soon realise that Logical Fallacies are used by many people and organizations [not just JWs] and soon they begin to realise that the use of Logical Fallacies to support arguments and views is "flawed" and not the way to logically prove any point - religious or otherwise!
So, to JW Apologists, I say keep your comments coming. (I know for me, I have yet to see a JW apologists prove his argument without using Logical Fallacies. Therefore, it cements to me the point that the WTS is not who they say they are!)
My advice to everyone is, be kind to everyone. I know that it's easy to anonymously make negative or disparaging remarks on the internet, but that lowers the discussion level to something that many find unappealing and coldly judgemental. I know for me, when a JW has resorted to name calling in the past, I used to respond in like - but I've been trying to learn to stay on topic and don't resort to name-calling and other forms of attacks.