The Bible Truths of the Watchtower Corporation were really a commercial fraud supporting the distribution of the organization's literature

by Finkelstein 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    One thing should be brought forward in all respect to truthful honesty is that the WTS. self proclaimed doctrines were fraudulently devised and created to attract the attention from the public eyes and mind. In a way the WTS. pandered to the naive, the poorly educated, the insecure and coercively exploited these people to their own means. The core focus of course been the distributing and proliferation of the organization's published goods. Propagating the idea that they were the only true interpretors of the bible and that god had specifically chosen their organization, as well making the insinuation that if one was to please god upon the soon to come judgment day, they needed to be devoted adherent members of their organization.

    This very crude marketing agenda/strategy is starting to cause its own problems now for there is becoming a long list of things (events) that simple just never happened. There's becoming an awakening of sorts inside the organization of why and what were really the reasons things were said and proclaimed as they were by the head editorial writers of the WTS., going right back to days of C T Russell. In kind of a ironic sense, the WTS. biggest problem the organization is now confronted with is " The Truth ".

    The WTS is even aware of the situation themselves for now they are actually trying to apologize for the organization's past false claims and doctrines.

  • designs

    The whole Enchilada..

  • andrekish

    Hiya. I gotta feeling that the salesmen have forgot what they're supposed to be selling.

    They're not supposed to be selling as you described so well above. They are way off target at the moment but they have got something important to say but they are well rubbish at doing it.

    They's good at getting right up peoples' noses alright. All fanatics do. They have the delusion that everyone has to be a saleman and thats mentally and logically deficient. They are meant to be teachers 'coz some will be teachers and some will be other things. They've completely overlooked that in order to tick boxes.

    If the techniques used currently by Jehovah's Witnesses to spread this message were used on a professional basis I'd sack the lot of them. They are rubbish. They display total, utter, unadulterated devotionally deluded madness.

    No wonder NO-ONE with the vaguest incling of sanity wants to do that. You have to be beyond human and of the hermit, lets live in a cave forever, mentality to WANT to do that. Anyone who WANTS to do that, be it evangalist, politician, or saleman, has gotta be on some kind of drugs or high on a commission to WANT to do that. When Jesus said to his many disciples 'go and tell them I'm coming, I don't really think He meant go and do that. Who knows, Jesus might have said 'use yer email thingy' since I can't speak for Him and He was so poor and didn't own a laptop.

    Hope Jesus ain't offended. One day He may well ask me about it and I'll still find it funny and I'll have to say it to His face 'coz He's probably gotta better sense of humour that the local Presiding Overseer who doesn't get on well with me at all. Just 'coz I can recognise an idiot when I see one he got the hump. Sad really, one carbon based biological technoligical living android getting the hump with another. S'funny really, but he don't think so. Oh well, tuff titties is what I say. He should stop wimping and take it on the chin like a man and stop getting God to do his dirty works as if he has ownership of the creator, eh?

  • Finkelstein

    Anyone who WANTS to do that, be it Evangelist, politician, or salesman, has gotta be on some kind of drugs or high on a commission to WANT to do that.

    Of course all of the Watchtower's purposed door to door proselytizing is and was a adulterated commercialized gospel, fraudulently created to make it

    outwardly more appealing. People that this organization were able to coerce into become their own sales representatives themselves, were

    first completely indoctrinated to believe that the WTS. was really handing out the Truth in a both a biblical and spiritual sense but they

    kind of mentally skipped over the plausible thought that the WTS. is a publishing house and because of this corruption may be purposely entwined

    within the organization's core doctrines.

  • frankiespeakin

    Jehovah is the corporation's sock puppet they put all kinds of words in his mouth. And a printing company in the late 1800's had to pay the bills I'm sure it was a preocupation of Russell mind in determining what to print.

  • Pickler

    The thing is that they haven't moved on, but society has changed. A printing company that's facing a future of failed prophesies & no more money to be made in printing?

    The sad thing is, that even though those at the top may deep down know that it's crap, too many rank & file have too much invested to ever even consider TTATT. This whole sad saga would make a great marketing/business thesis for somebody, if it hasn't already.

    Imagine doing your phd on the business model of the WTS, fascinating.

    Finkelstein, you said that it was plausible to look at the WTS as a publishing company, only "plausible" from the outside! Growing up in I remember it being considered laughable that the WTS would ever make money out of the printing, the prices were so cheap, it was crazy!!! Also, how much scorn heaped on Catholics for their wealth, whilst WTS owned swathes of Brooklyn? never even considered! I'm afraid Indoctrinated people don't think that much.

  • whathappened

    It is just a matter of time. The Watchtower is living in their "last days."

  • Finkelstein

    Sure frankiespeakin Russell was an astute salesman from his previous profession as a clothing salesman.

    So was J Rutherford, most don't know that before he became a lawyer, he was a door to door encyclopedia salesman.

  • Finkelstein

    I'm afraid Indoctrinated people don't think that much.

    Very true , of course the other religions /churches are corrupt false religions, that don't have god's approval and they will be accordingly destroyed.

    Well that too can be added to the WTS. marketing strategy in promoting themselves.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Finkelstein>>>>>Your first paragraph really summed it all up. I wish this topic would come up every day, so that new lurkers , can see and understand right away, what The Society is all about.

    The Watch Tower Society's 8 men have a lot of power. They own property all over the world. Whatever happens in Watchtowerland they will always be sitting pretty. It is worldly thinking deceitfulness/genius, at its finest.

    Just Lois

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