The Bible Truths of the Watchtower Corporation were really a commercial fraud supporting the distribution of the organization's literature

by Finkelstein 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    And so here we are where printed material can no longer turn a profit for this "publishing" corporation or better refered to as information age where printed material is a drag to make a buck.

    So enter now the "delusional Governing Body" before the world court of public opinon, causing thier business model to collaspe and thier left over assets to mine are now: land and property holdings along with request for larger sums of donations from the brainwashed remnants.

    Printing is a burden go all electronic? Perhaps as things get worse to stop bleeding of cash.

  • Finkelstein

    Printing is a burden go all electronic?

    Yes this is happening already, many JWS are using IPads and E-readers and bringing them to Kingdom Halls to use during talks and study times.

    This practice in itself might prove potentially dangerous toward people doing research or downloading WTS. articles for they might glance

    over onto information about the WTS. that they don't want their members to see.

  • frankiespeakin


    Hey I envision people reading some of your stuff or a Youtube video produced by apostates while attending a boring conventions and the sheep leaving in droves once they find out how badly they were drawn into a Governing Body delusion of grander.

    Anything the WT says past present and future is all before the world now with the touch of a button, the playing feild of the last 130 years has changed conciderably, the old governing body heads can't make a good business plan, they are stuck with the same old tricks with nothing original or new thier brains are to repetative and not flexiable happens with age especially when lived in a delusional state for so long.

  • insearchoftruth4

    Yeah Fink! I see it too man. RELEASE THE JUICE BRO! Bombs away!!!

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