1.JW's persuade themselves that errors, flip-flops, "corrections" and "adjustments" reflect Jehovah's plan rather than the stupidity of men who are just guessing!!
2.You can't put a rhinoceros in a shoebox. It won't fit. You might be able to put rhino toes, teeth, eyeballs. So too with God. We are a shoebox and God is the Rhino. Only a fool confuses toes, teeth and eyeballs with the Rhino itself!
3.Love is not the cause of anything. It is the effect of something. The strongest possible emotion follows the strongest possible values we hold.
The source of love is what? Our highest values. We appraise, examine and discover what fits our highest values and automatically we respond.
That is why love differs from person to person. It is a matter of personal values .
4.Real choice cannot be made without reality. (What IS.) To lie is to substitue what ISN'T for what IS. JW's steal reality and nullify true choice!
5.Free choice cannot consist of deciding to give up free choice. God, who has everything, therefore, needs nothing. Why should those who have the least have to give up what little they have to the one who already has the most?
6.The act of believing is the beginning of the end for thinking. Thinking is a probationary ongoing process. It is vetting. It is skepticism. It is analysis. The death knell of thinking is believing something simply IS. Believing is just another way of taking something important for granted.
7. To leave the world a little better for your having been in it comes very very close to having a purpose in a life worth living. Help somebody/anybody each day. Even in one small way.That's not a bad way to live. You might start the most wonderful chain reaction and an explosion of goodness.
8.Trying does not guarantee success but not trying guarantees failure. I've never seen "trying" listed as a virtue. It is the first of ALL virtues!
9.One word of encouragement can save this world. One person at a time.
10.For every one negative thing we catch ourselves saying; it might be a great idea to follow it with 3 positive things.
11.We only have one chance at today. We have no guarantee of tomorrow. We can't do a thing about yesterday. Today must be damned important!