These things I hold to be true...(your mileage may vary)

by Terry 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    1.JW's persuade themselves that errors, flip-flops, "corrections" and "adjustments" reflect Jehovah's plan rather than the stupidity of men who are just guessing!!

    2.You can't put a rhinoceros in a shoebox. It won't fit. You might be able to put rhino toes, teeth, eyeballs. So too with God. We are a shoebox and God is the Rhino. Only a fool confuses toes, teeth and eyeballs with the Rhino itself!

    3.Love is not the cause of anything. It is the effect of something. The strongest possible emotion follows the strongest possible values we hold.

    The source of love is what? Our highest values. We appraise, examine and discover what fits our highest values and automatically we respond.

    That is why love differs from person to person. It is a matter of personal values .

    4.Real choice cannot be made without reality. (What IS.) To lie is to substitue what ISN'T for what IS. JW's steal reality and nullify true choice!

    5.Free choice cannot consist of deciding to give up free choice. God, who has everything, therefore, needs nothing. Why should those who have the least have to give up what little they have to the one who already has the most?

    6.The act of believing is the beginning of the end for thinking. Thinking is a probationary ongoing process. It is vetting. It is skepticism. It is analysis. The death knell of thinking is believing something simply IS. Believing is just another way of taking something important for granted.

    7. To leave the world a little better for your having been in it comes very very close to having a purpose in a life worth living. Help somebody/anybody each day. Even in one small way.That's not a bad way to live. You might start the most wonderful chain reaction and an explosion of goodness.

    8.Trying does not guarantee success but not trying guarantees failure. I've never seen "trying" listed as a virtue. It is the first of ALL virtues!

    9.One word of encouragement can save this world. One person at a time.

    10.For every one negative thing we catch ourselves saying; it might be a great idea to follow it with 3 positive things.

    11.We only have one chance at today. We have no guarantee of tomorrow. We can't do a thing about yesterday. Today must be damned important!

  • whathappened

    I like these, especially number 4.

  • Terry

    12. We can't want what we want. But, what we need can be distinguished from it! We actually die if we don't get what we need. The rest is want.

    13.Trust is more important than Faith. The difference is this: Trust opens its eyes to possibility. Faith closes its eyes to impossibility.

  • mrsjones5

    I like no. 13. Oh and 10 too. Gonna go back and read all of them carefully.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I don't know about the beginning of #12. Many people don't know that wanting what they want is bad. Maybe it could have been stated, "We may want what we want, b ut, what we need can be distinguished from it!"

    Allow me to add:

    14. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims and flies like a duck, waddles like a duck, it is almost certainly a duck.

  • PSacramento

    No. 3 is a bit tricky dude...

    If Love is that subjective then "higest values" ( whatever that may mean to any given person) is perhaps even more so.

  • mrsjones5

    " Allow me to add:

    14. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims and flies like a duck, waddles like a duck, it is almost certainly a duck."

    Which sounds similar to if someone tells you who they are believe them. Recently I have found I didn't have my listening cap on and my reading glasses were foggy. Been trying not to kick myself. I'm better now.

  • quincy_aka_quentin

    7. To leave the world a little better for your having been in it comes very very close to having a purpose in a life worth living. Help somebody/anybody each day. Even in one small way.That's not a bad way to live. You might start the most wonderful chain reaction and an explosion of goodness.

    Top of the list for me...

    Sometime back was standing in line to buy some smokes. There was an older gentleman in front whom the store refused to cash a pittance of a retirement check. The gentleman said "You've done it before"..."Sir we don't do THAT anymore"....along comes a manager..."No, CAN"T DO THAT"..."How much does he owe, I said?"..."Such and such"..."Give him two more and ring it on my bill"....That old gentleman asked me three times: "Sir, what can I do for you?"...."..."Have a nice day, when the time comes you'll know what to do"

    I tell that story to tell this one......Left back tire on my car was going flat. Tooled around to Gibson Hardware and bought Fix-a-Flat. That can wasn't working right and my tire was getting flatter by the second, also had no jack nor spare. "Got a problem?"...."My tire, Fix-a-Flats not working." "I got a pump that works off car lighter, we'll hook it up and inflate the tire." Making a long story short, that young man went into the hardware store and bought another pump, needle nose pliers and a flat fixing kit. He not only aired the tire, he patched the hole. He GAVE me everything he had purchased saying: "Might need it and no don't want any money."

    Yup, 7 is top of the list for me. Having been a jw I can tell you so called WORLDLY PEOPLE ARE NOT WICKED AND EVIL. There are kind helpful people every where who want NOTHING in return for there acts of generosity.

  • cyberjesus

    1. Jws dont persuade themselves, they are fooled into believe that.

    2. It all depends on the type of rhinoceros and size and the size of the shoes.

    3. The strongest possible emotions...follows the chemical impulses of the amygdala

    4. And unreal choice? arent all choices real? You mean the options?

    5. Can i choose to not choose?

    6. Believing is in itself thinking

    7. Worms leAve the world a little better.... Is their life worth living?

    8. Can i succeed at failing?

    9. Your awesome

    10. My numbers are wrong...

    11. Will 3 positives make 1 negative go away?

    12. Tomorrow doesnt exist. If the present is important...whent that important present becomes past is it still important?

    13 why cant i want what i want?

    14 so is faith important?

    15 what if it "un pato"?

  • Terry

    No. 3 is a bit tricky dude...

    If Love is that subjective then "higest values" ( whatever that may mean to any given person) is perhaps even more so.

    I would say love needs a subject and an object and is very very tricky!

    Have you ever met a collector of any sort? They are passionaely IN LOVE with the object of their obsession to the exclusion of almost any reasonable suggestion otherwise.

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