Canadians are invited to explain this, if it isn't any big secret.
Suspicious people? No, merely Canadian
by kurtbethel 54 Replies latest jw friends
Not Canadian, but laughing so bad...
I bet they just wanted to see where they were going.
lol, well, we Canadians are a little bit (blush, blush) PRACTICAL. We are only un-exceptional non-Americans.
If it's pitch-dark, and especially if we are in unknown surroundings, we DO at times whip out the old penlight on our key chains to help us see in the dark.
Yes~! Fact is stranger than fiction!
In the dark in Custer , you need luster.
that is why astronomers, dark sky advocates want to eliminate street lights, or put them on motion sensors.
it illustrates also how, when not really enlightened or in perpetual old light darkness, you need to rely on your own, handy light source. canadian or not.
I saw that and figured they were geocaching at night. That is more involved than a stroll, as they would search around in circles when they got to the cache site, which could look suspicious to muggles. (That is you non-caching people)
geocaching makes sense,
your caption, though, is missing a picture!
The April-blooming Mayflower is our provincial flower. (don't let the name fool ya! )
Drunk Canadians strike car wash - April 2012
Three Canadian men got the car wash of their young lives Tuesday.
The men, all 20, stripped, loaded themselves in a shopping cart, set the automatic car wash in Abbotsford, British Columbia, to “typhoon” or “super typhoon” and went in, according to The Vancouver Sun.
Neighbors heard screaming and called police.
“We arrived to find intoxicated men putting their clothes back on, and realizing that the best decisions aren’t made while drunk and at a car wash without a car in the middle of the night,” Abbotsford police Const. Ian MacDonald said in the story, which reported that police gave the men a warning and sent them home — clean, but not sober.
Three Canadian men got the car wash of their young lives Tuesday.
The men, all 20, stripped, loaded themselves in a shopping cart, set the automatic car wash in Abbotsford, British Columbia, to “typhoon” or “super typhoon” and went in, according to The Vancouver Sun.I think being males between 15-25 and drunk are adequate to explain their activities, and it is a minor point that they happen to be Canadian. Evidently, that is universal male behavior.
We Canucks have poor night vision ... eh !
Suspicious dam canucks;)