Suspicious people? No, merely Canadian

by kurtbethel 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    Canadians had no problem smuggling booze down here during the Prohibition. These days they run the Quebec Gold for a hefty profit.

    Just sayin.

    Yes, we LOVE organized crime in Canada.and OMG, during PROHBITION we were definitely the instigators and masterminds of that ............... I guess you were having a difficult time having negative things to say.. . LOL PROHIBITION!


    Quebec Gold? WTF is that? Some kind of maryjane?

    OOOO,, how horrible!

    sheesh,, get a life, man or woman, whatever you are... and maybe you should seek some help re your weird and unsubstantiated hatred of Canadians!


  • jgnat

    Chances are, you get your Aluminum from us, too.

  • talesin

    lol. jgnat,,, and their water, too. ;)

    oh, and let's not forget the 'brain drain',, but OMG, that is just too horrifying to imagine! Canadian expertise being value over American? Strike me dead~!



  • sammielee24

    LOL...don't forget power. Cut off the supply to the North east and they have a serious problem.....

    Canadian supplies constitute a significant share of the power consumed in key markets, such as New England, New York State, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota and the Pacific Northwest.

  • talesin


  • DaCheech

    sammie, a couple of weeks ago there was a CSI (new york) episode where a pizza shop owners son (in manhattan) was smuggling cheese to canada (he was killed because someone though he had cocaine).

    wanna know why he was smuggling and making some $$$$? because it cost 3-4 dollars more a pound there (I guess the governments cut or something)

  • prologos

    All dairy products are expensive in Kanata because of government stipulated marketing boards. They do (or did) put butter on trains and run them from Vancouver to Halifax a few times before putting them on the shelfs (no kidding). strategic reserves hidden in moving locations.

    The Tea party would have a ball up north.

    But Bethel is Booming Because Better Benefits free Medical, Old age pension for all needy retirees*

    *missionaries, bethelites, special pioneers, volontary paupers that signed assets over to the Inner party etc.

  • talesin

    I just had another friend die this weekend, and apologize for being a bit short-tempered. but really, prohibition?

    ugh, sometimes I really hate how some people on this board will REACH to attack people.



  • jgnat

    As I understand it, the American government subsidizes the dairy industry by buying the surplus and making welfare cheese. And powdered milk. Canada makes powdered milk out of its surplus too.

    The US's dairy industry is about ten times the size of Canada's, and the average Canadian farm has about half the dairy cows that a typical farm in the US has (likely because of the difference in subsidy programs).

    From the attached article, "Much of the difference between the Canadian and U.S. dairy industry is related to dairy farm policy. Both have government intervention in price determination. Both countries use a classified pricing system. And both countries export surplus dairy products. A quota system, however, is used in Canada, but not in the U.S. Since the quota is restrictive, farm milk prices in Canada are essentially managed by the government each year, and the quota takes on value. In the U.S., the marketplace has a strong influence on the level of milk prices."

    I've heard of cheap smuggled cheese before, too, but it was made from petroleum product, not milkfat (yuck).

  • prologos

    Its a Cottage (cheese) industry, not too long ago Border patrol officials were involved and caught near the shared Niagara Falls, supplying Canadian restaurants with market price valued wholesale US cheeses. an inside job.

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