I want to share with you, things your husband can demand from you, because, well he is the man and you are not.
I don't know if you have read about JW's sex lives and what is allowed and isn't.
No oral for anybody. No masturbation for anybody. No sex toys.
No R rated movies. Absolutely no porn for anybody (even his private stashes).
Modest dress for women, even in the home.
You must be obedient to your husband and as the Rules stand right now, if he beats you, it is your fault, you ticked him off. It is expected that a good JW wife will take this abuse and shut up about it. A bad wife will call the Police or call the Elder body and complain. This is considered a humiliation for the man. The Elders will side with your husband against you.
If your husband is a pedophile, he's in luck (luck/lucky … also a bad word that you cannot say anymore), for if the Elders become aware of this tendency for children, they will help your husband cover it up, and demand you keep silent.
Your husband makes ALL the decisions.
If he doesn't like your hair, make-up, speech, clothes, shoes or choice of friends, (no worldly friends allowed...even on your Facebook page) reading material, (No romance novels allowed). Selective TV watching.
If you go to a party, you are only allowed to dance with your own husband.
Talking with other men, even in a social setting, is frowned upon.
No off-colored jokes.
No swearing.
No cheating on taxes.
If he does not want you wearing pants in public, you have to mind him.
If he doesn't like your hair a certain way, you have to mind him.
If he thinks having a pet, will cut into your time, best spent in Jehovah's service, you cannot have a pet.
If you have a JW girlfriend and he doesn't like her, you have to give her up.
If he doesn't like going to restaurants, you do not go.
If he does not like dancing, you never dance again until he drops dead then you can dance on his _____, you get my idea. lol
Car, two door or two person cars are frowned on. Going out for drinks is frowned on. Going to any sporting events is frowned on.
Men. Facial hair - no. ( for men & women no) lol.
Vacation. He can ask where you might want to go, but his rights are utmost, so his choice of vacation, when and where are final or if you are even allowed to go on vacation.
Las Vegas. No gambling. No risque shows. No over drinking.
No Horse Races. No betting
No Lotterys .
Your job. If he does not like you working, you have to quit.
If he allows you to work, you have to get a job that fits into the meeting schedule and if the Employer does not give you time off for the DC, you have to quit.
Just Lois