Are Elders waking up to TTATT?

by Londo111 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • suavojr

    Let me share some intel with all... I am currently a MS and Pioneer, I am fully awake to TTATT. The BOE in my congo are grooming me to appoint me as an elder (I guess the holy spirit is directing them ) The most common trend I see is that people are fading leaving no trace behind.

  • Londo111

    How do you manage to pioneer? Unless you fudge the hours. Even then, you have to be visible doing this stuff at least some of the time... I couldn't endure that.

  • steve2
    The most common trend I see is that people are fading leaving no trace behind.

    Hmmm. This is indeed intriguing. I've heard of fading but not of "leaving no trace behind". What specifically do these faders do to 'leave no trace behind'?

  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    I hope so.

    I feel a thaw in my own family. I was born-in and faded in the 1980s leaving the rest of my family behind. I have been shunned for 20+ years, living a normal life with two wonderful teenage daughters. Last year, out of the blue, three of my siblings friended me on social media and a fourth chatted with me through text messages. My mother called me last week for the first time in years upon years!

    I really feel like something big is happening, and I feel a lot of it has to do with the GB giving tacit approval to access material online (cf. The Incredible Shrinking Watchtower). One by one, JWs are stumbling* upon the tortuous twists in WTS 'truth' over the years, all documented dispassionately by the same Internet the GB wants Witnesses to now employ for their Bible study. And all it takes is the memory to be jarred. Just a nudge. Just a little snowflake tumbling over and over and over to become a crashing avalanche of sick realization that 'the Truth' is anything but the truth.

    All those slow turns of the screw over the years laid out in one big screeching twist. Maybe this is the end times after all...the end of a destructive and dangerous cult.

    And maybe, just maybe, I can have my family back.


    *pun intended

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    I've heard of fading but not of "leaving no trace behind". What specifically do these faders do to 'leave no trace behind'?

    For me, I "faded" for about 2 months before I abruptly left. I couldn’t live the lie anymore. I didn’t know about fading until after I left. I didn’t know how bad it all could have gone until I started lurking here a few weeks after I left.

    I truly saw the “love” they had for me when I left. A couple of months passed when an elder called me to see if I wanted to go out in service that weekend. I told him I couldn’t make it. Then about 6 months after that another elder called me and asked what was going on with me. I told him how I felt. I told him I no longer believed in God, Jesus and that I wanted NOTHING to do with this or any other religion. I told him I was an Atheist. This was about 8 months ago. I told him that no Jehovah’s Witness has/had any authority over me after he went into his spiel about my “dedication” to Jehovah and the organization. I said “Neither you, nor any elder, nor Jesus has any authority over me.” Those 2 times were the only times ANYONE tried to reach out to me.

    Maybe, even for those who DO believe in god after they leave, should tell the elders – if they ask – that they don’t believe in god anymore? Maybe that’s the “key” to a successful fade? Either that, or these piece of shit elders in my hall didn’t/don’t give a hoot about anyone and made a “token” call to reach out to me? Either way I’ve never been happier being out. Especially now with my wife being mentally out too. I don't know about NOT leaving any trace behind, but it kinda feels like I didn't leave MUCH of a trace behind.

    I have never since been contacted to come in for a meeting. If I ever felt I was in of being DF'd, I would send in a DA letter to beat them to the punch...

  • Apognophos

    Those 2 times were the only times ANYONE tried to reach out to me.

    And yet if they had frequently contacted you, we'd be hearing an angry rant over how they wouldn't leave you alone ;)

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    And yet if they had frequently contacted you, we'd be hearing an angry rant over how they wouldn't leave you alone ;)

    lol.... You are 100% correct. But then at least I would have felt more loved.... or maybe annoyed.... yeah, definitely annoyed

  • smiddy

    Too many Elders that I knew loved the prestige and position of authourity that they would never otherwise have ," big fish in a small pond" outside of the religion they would be nobodys , it is an ego trip some just can`t pass up . ( present company who have come out of course are exempt )


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Hard to draw global conclusions from a few local anecdotal examples, but probably there is a trend of elders quitting more.

  • Phizzy

    I think that intelligent Elders are more likely to leave than even intelligent R&F members, simply because they see first hand that there is no Holy Spirit in action in all that goes on.

    DBNC made agood point, if you claim you have lost your faith that there is a God can they really use that as something to DF you ?

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