I am not particularly interested in the wtbts and their current doings. Or doctrine, or debates about god/evolution. I am more interested in people, especially ex-jws like me. What's going on in your world, good or bad? What has happened recently that you'd like to share? How's your health? How is school? How are your kids?
My update -- got back yesterday from a one-month trip to Indiana and New Mexico to see relatives. Nice to see relatives, curses on the sick person on the plane who gave his cold to me. I was sick for about 10 days of my trip. Went to Bosque del Apache in NM to see Sand Hill Cranes. Saw hundreds of them, plus other water birds and plenty of hawks. Saw red cardinals in Indiana, first time in my life to see the real birds. So cool! Hellish trip home, 17 hours of traveling, 4 airports, 3 flights. Had seats where I was squished between large men on all flights. Could have been fun, but wasn't. Got home, today bright sunshine, blue sky, gorgeous mountains and forest.
Give me some news!!!