How WatchTarded would you Have to Be..
To worry about someones Eyelashes?..
........................... ... OUTLAW
by OneStepOut93 79 Replies latest jw experiences
How WatchTarded would you Have to Be..
To worry about someones Eyelashes?..
........................... ... OUTLAW
If you want some seriously long thick lashes this stuff works! I have been taking it for several years now but not for lashes, however that is a side effect since it makes you hair grow like crazy, and makes your nail beds thicker and healthier and other stuff. I swear by it!
OUTLAW: Pretty WatchTarded I'd say :P
LRG: Tried it... worked well for my nails though
Well all I have to say to them is "Kiss my ass". ;)________OneStepOut93
let 'em know up front you don't do fractions,
Tell 'em to kiss your whole entire ass
Littlerockguy- Nice to hear those supplements did work for somebody, for me all it did was give me extremely oily hair, but no growth
So people are looking at your eyelashes instead of paying attention to Jehovah's banquet table of spiritual food at the proper time? And WHY are those people stumbled by eyelashes???
I say the bigger, the better.
I remember when my daughter (10 at the time) stumbled people with her earings. Earings that were a gift from an 80 year old sister btw. They are just ridiculous.
You know, I love that people have different tastes. Just because I don't like day-glo purple suits on a man doesn't mean someone else can't like them. Power to people who do their own thing.
outlaw and otwo, you guys are soo funny. I am laughing so hard tears are coming down.
And I love the term "watchtarded", that is my new fav.
For people who claim to be the most spiritual in the world, they sure get stumbled easily. Can anyone say Pharisee???
Eyelashes, cleavage, short skirt -- give them hell, girl!
Good for you, dear OSO (peace to you!). Do like I do, girl, and take it step further: black "Jezebel" eyeliner! LOLOLOL! I wore (and still wear) the liquid stuff, put on with a swipe out and up at the corners! Not quite "Cleopatra" but you can see it (man, I wish I had had Amy Winehouse's nerve when I was a JW! That and my former "Angela Davis" afro? They would'a never baptized me - LOLOL!).
Only reason I don't wear lashes now is the one time I tried to put them on... well, hubby and I tried to put them on me... let's just say between the two of us it was a total fiasco. And HE put 'em on me better'n I did! I still couldn't wear 'em when he did, though, they were so cock-eyed - LOLOL! But at least he got them in the vicinity of my eyelids. I don't think I came close. LOLOLOL!
Tell whoever has a problem with it to stop looking around their own rafter at your outward appearance and focus on cleansing the inside of their OWN "cup." That outta hush 'em up. If they get it, that is. I don't have high hopes, though, to be honest with you...
A doulos of Christ,
SA, who loves the look of false lashes, in fact, thinks that whole new "smoky eye" look is awesome - makes girls look more... "girlie" (which she isn't, unfortunately)...