Sit in the front row and bat them at every speaker....
Complaints About My False Eyelashes at the Hall. WEARING THEM EVEN BIGGER TONIGHT.
by OneStepOut93 79 Replies latest jw experiences
I used to be confronted about having a shaved head when I was a teen. I'd always say "How long should my fringes be." That always shut them up quick.
In one congregation the PO had a special needs talk about the sisters and grooming.
1) no dyeing hair
2) no nail polish except clear
3) no heels higher than 1 inch
4) no makeup: lipstick, mascara, foundation, blush, etc.
5) no tight clothing
The next week the new CO and his wife showed up.
She had dyed black hair
red nail polish and lipstick
foundation, blush
3 inch high heels
Not a word from that PO for 3 any sisters
Wow, blondie, that PO was straight out of the Taliban... that's well beyond anything I've heard myself, and I've sat through my fair share of those talks (then again, we brothers love those parts because we never have to pay attention ;).
This post reminds me of a couple of things.
The first one is that I once posted (not sure if it was on this board) about the folderal about clothing at the KH. I got an e-mail from an active JW lurker who told me a funny story about a young woman in her congregation who was constantly being "counseled" (i.e., harassed) by elders about what she was wearing.
One Sunday she appeared at the KH dressed to shock. She marched right up to the podium and started yelling about the treatment she was getting, and making quite a scene. The e-mailer told me that she was sure the people in the neighborhood around the hall could hear her as well. I would have made a "donation" to see that!
The other thing it reminds me of is a quotation from Dolly Parton. She said something like (and I paraphrase): "When I was growing up, there were certain women in my town who wore their skirts too high, their blouses too low, dyed their hair and wore a lot of makeup. Everybody called them 'trash.' I knew from the very beginning that when I grew up, what I wanted to be was trash.
We all have our own way of expressing ourselves. I've noticed that a lot of the criticism comes from those who are not attractive enough to look good by enhancing themselves.
Let us know what happens. Be sure those eyelashes are well anchored.
Apog....yes, your experiences seem limited, but that doesn't make other people experiences limited. I was lucky to be sitting in the audience when this talk was given, as I was visiting some ex-Gilead friends. I stayed about 2 weeks so got to see the CO's wife during the first visit to the first congregation in the circuit. It was my experience hearing a brother extremely out of line publicly.
I can remember being told we had to wear nylons, no denim skirts, no open toe sandals, etc., all unofficially with a statement that was blackmail, wear them and you will be removed as a pioneer. But then I remember brothers being told they could not wear brown shoes, that could not be anything but wingtips, measure the length of their "sideburns" , being told they had to shave 3 times a day if necessary because they had a dark shadow....
Yes, it was unusual that he was so judgmental, but then the congregation was small and run basically by an elder body that were all related and entrenched for 30 years.
I love this thread!!!!
Sitting here reading it, I realized I have did the same thing as a JW, only not with lashes. Mine was ear piercings. I went from having my ears pierced, one on each side. Just before I met my husband at a DC I had one side on the upper ear pierced and then had 3 on each side. Now I have 4 on each side (uppers are pierced and 3 on the lobes on each side). But it was funny because when I met my future husband and after we got married he told me he thought my ear piercings were sexy and he loved how I had them even though sisters were not supposed to have multiple ear piercings. He said it was my rebellious attitude he liked.
You go girl!!!!! Wear those lashes with pride!!!!!!
return of parakeet
If you enjoy raising hell at the KH, and who doesn't?, wear the false eyelashes AND stop attending meetings altogether.
Your eyelashes will be the least of their complaints.
Wow, blondie, that guy was a real Nazi. And I wasn't intending to question your story, sorry if it sounded that way.
OneStep -- If your lashes are like Mac lashes (look alikes) they have to look great. Funny, one day I complemented the Mac salesclerk how great her lashes looked and she told me she had a hot date after work and doubles on --- you could not tell.
Now Satanus' eyelash girls are out there!