Expect Greater Loonieness From the Governing Body As They Are Forced to Face Their Delusion By Reality

by frankiespeakin 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    I'm thinking they will be force to do a reality check as the clock ticks and things keep going down hill for the Corporation they are CEOs of.

    That means they may come clean or change their delusion as the hard cold facts come knocking at thier door. Or they may hang on tenaciously to the delusion and exibit more and more bizarre reasonings.

    I'm thinking this delusion to too hard to get out of and so exspect more bizarre behavior.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    The delusion was based on the fact that they depended on God ending all things by now. So now they have to explain their screwy doctrine to the next generation of publishers. And make changes, once again

  • straightshooter

    I figure that the recent crazy explanation about the meaning of the term "generation" has potentially bought them another 50 years. If not, most of the flock appear to follow the GB blindly away. They can make up anything and the flock will buy into it.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    The GB will do what has worked for them in the past.

    They will change their prophecies without so much as a by-your-leave.

    They will brand the dubs who don't swallow the new light as apostates.

    They will falsify their history to the poor schlubs who join later.

    They will continue to portray themselves as the only channel to truth.

    They will stretch out the new light until it becomes untenable; then ...

    They will go through the whole process again.

  • heathen

    They already made the changes , they now need to go damage control by reminding them the end is o so close and to leave now would be a waste of a life time waiting on jehovah, guilt them into submission again and claim , you can't go anywhere else since they never really said any of the things they are accused of saying ..... round and round we go .....

  • frankiespeakin


    I'm sure they will be operating on repeat mode trying the same things that worked in the past to keep their hands on the free labor of the rank and file.

    But as the inpingements of reality threaten their delusions, more bizarre forms of denial will come into play producing greater losses for the Corporation making more riskier options appealing, taking chances similar to the game of russian roulette. I see a dire situation fostering all or nothing Hail Mary Plays in the end, kinda like playing double or nothing high card wins until you lose.

    The stakes are high, and they will do what ever it takes to keep the Corporation afloat.


    The WBT$ has made a multi billion dollar organization Built on Crazy..

    Crazy works in Watchtower World..

    Get rid of Crazy and the WBT$ would Cease to Exist..

    JW`s will fight to the Death for Crazy..

    Another Happified..

    WBT$ JW WatchTard..

    .......................... mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Londo111

    A cowboy just can't get down from riding a wild bull...they are going to hold the reigns tighter and tighter until something snaps. The “new light” about the “Slave” and the one-day KM school a few months ago is evidence of this.

  • LostGeneration

    If they are really true believers, they really are at a loss as to what to do. They simply don't "get it" as to why donations are down, morale is in the gutter, and people are walking away. So they consult their cult playbook, where it says "pound on the table and demand respect" as the faithful slave that has some special channel of communication with God.

    So that is all they have to force feed down the throats of the sheep, all in the name of "food at the proper time". I hope they keep tightening the screws, tighter and tighter. The more they beat the sheep, the more likely they will wake up and say "Fuck this shit, I'm outta here".

  • Londo111

    They are like Rehoboam. " And now my father, for his part, loaded upon YOU a heavy yoke; but I, for my part, shall add to YOUR yoke. My father, for his part, chastised YOU with whips, but I, for my part, shall chastise YOU with scourges."

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