Hi all!
I want to share with you an experience I had last night. I was on my way to a Vday date, hopped on the bus to get me there, and in front of me is a man folding tracts. They say something about an end to suffering with a delusional paradise illustration.
So, he hands one to the woman in the row next to him, and tries to hand one back to me. I will try to recap our dialogue here, which by the way, was loud and clear for the entire bus to hear:
HIM: Would you like a tract
ME: No, this religion is a cult
HIM: Do you know what a cult is
ME: Yes I do. A cult controls its members
HIM: You think we control our members, what would be an example
ME: well, you practice shunning of former members, destroy families, and have a ban on higher education
HIM: have you done any research, you dont know what we teach
ME: I probably know more than you do.
HIM: We believe in educating ourselvves with the bible.
Me: YOu dont allow higher education
HIM: I am a retired music teacher
Me: You are an exception. Most people are janitors
HIM: Dont they deserve dignity too. They do this by choice
ME: Its not by choice if they are brainwashed and under cult mind control. They dont allow higher education.
HIM: You are making claims with no source to back you up.
ME: As a source, I could pull up a youtube video of one of you Governing Body dissing higher education right now.
HIM: I have seen that website its full of lies.
ME: Its not a website, its youtube, and its coming out of they guys mouth.
HIM: Let me define to you what a cult is.
ME: (At this point my stop is nearing so I decide to opt for a dramatic exit. I apologize to the bus driver for disrupting his bus and explain this man is distributing religious propaganda. STANDING) No, a cult destroys families.
(A woman asks me to stop, because her son is there- I think my voice has been quavering and raised as my emotion is rising, I say:)
You should protect yourself from this dangerous cult, which destroys families.
(Standing now for my stop, announcing to the whole bus:) My family will have nothing to do with me because of this religion. All I did was go to college.
(I step off and he gets in the last word)
HIM: Even Jesus had no place to lay down his head
I had adrenaline rushes for the next hour.