c u l t
May 15 2013 WT: "REAL elders skip meals and lose sleep!"
by cedars 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I rememebr the most the ridiculous elders I have ever known recently, that couldn't be bothered for sheperding calls, for calling on elderly ones, or for just being good people in any sense.......would HAPPILY leave int he middle of the night to make sure someone could not take blood, or would gladly stay after meeting to give ayoung guy the buisness because he was erroneously charged with drinking too much.
What a joke. They are losing elders, and this is just an attempt at a "we know what you are going through" moment.
sorry to say but this is actually the main rift i think between people like me and the head honchos. when i read the bible it tells me that jesus was the messiah and that he showed us how we should conduct ourselves and i thought that was good....i believe that there is a deeper message though, why do i believe that? well because it says that heh. that message is look, you need to take care of your families you need to love yourself etc. in other words you are honoring god by taking care of your families and also by showing yourself a degree of love, in the sense that you eat healthy food and listen to what your body tells you (the same way you listen to what your body tells you if you lean on a hot stove) it's telling you GTFO off the stove...you don't just keep leaning on it. that these are some of the under pinnings of the bible itself....in fact, it says that if you aren't doing these things, you may as well forget it, because any other good things you do are going to be ignored.
this is big, and for whatever reason i don't know, these guys at the top have a fundamental disagreement with this line of thought.
How many elders' families are neglected while they are off eldering?
LoisLane looking for Superman
Ding>>>>Oh-oh-oh...The pretense that goes on behind smiling masks. How many Elders families are neglected. Big question.
Just Lois
Talking about elders with families. Phone always rang at dinner time. Dad worked at assemblies. Built Kingdom Halls on many a weekend. We had to stay late after meetings for dad with extra responsiblities there. When many of second or third generations get raised (as the end didn't come) , the women just wouldn't/couldn't be that self-sacrificing. It takes it toll on most families.
Man, it really depends on those in your group. Every service group (that an elder and a servant oversee) is made up of self-sufficient types and a couple of labor-intensive witnesses. These labor-intensive ones take 10 times more time and caring than all the others in your group. They're easily offended, have all kinds of family problems, and most likely, are just off in the head.
If an elder could pick his service group from all the friends in the hall, he would have it easy! But alas, the Body of Elders usually spread to parasites and crazies around so each group has a couple of them. I've found that the Service Overseer and the COBE has less baggage.
life is to short
When my husband was an elder he jumped when ever anyone needed him. When we were newly married we did not have a marriage he was gone all the time, taking care of the flock. He used to tell me that if I did not like it I should never have married an elder, I did not know being married to an elder meant that I was dirt to everyone in the hall.
I was young and stupid, I thought I was his wife and that I mattered some, I did not matter when it came to the congregation, I was always second or third or so down the line. My needs never played any part in our marriage only the needs of the hall. I was not asking for a lot just dinner once a week together would have been nice but he was the only elder for most of the first four years of our marriage and I was way down the list of people who mattered.
Then he had a major heart attack while he was conducting the school. The other elders let me drive him alone to the hospital and only one elder and his wife came up to the hospital afterwords. NO one called the next day to see how I was doing much less my husband. They had him back conducting the school the next week even though it had been a major heart attack and he had, had surgery to put a stent in his heart.
His second major heart attack two years letter I called the PO's Cobe's wife while I was driving to the hospital and she told me she could not come to the hospital to be with me as she had to go out in service. No one came and the Chaplin who meant me at the door was shocked to learn I was a JW. She told me she had never seen anyone who belonged to a church be left alone like I was as no one came up to be with me. My husband was the school overseer at the time.
Also when I was first married the CO told me that I could have a husband in the new system as Jehovah needed him now when I talked to the CO about what I hard time I was having being newly married and never having any time together.
And just one more point one of the reasons his health is not so great I feel is that he did not have the money for good food when he pioneered which was for 17 years, as he was a window washer and lived on nothing to pioneer. Granted he has other factors that caused his heart attack but not having money for food was not a help. He ate as cheep as he could.
Aussie Oz
Miss meals?
Shite, i knew one who managed 5 square meals a day plus snacks.
he was a rolling heart attack waiting to happen.