The huge impact the JWs have out in their door knocking --- May 15, 2013

by RayPublisher 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    They're a walkin' facade, of a picture perfect family

    But we no better

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Don’t forget:

    1. This cute little family of three are taught by WT (Mother) to be very judgmental of their fellow neighbor.

    2. They no doubt belong to a congregation that has their share of broken families, divorces, publishers suffering from depression and members on the brink of suicide.

    3. This family may also belong to a congregation that has its share of pedophiles. The elders may be endangering others in this congregation by keeping the identity of these pedophiles secret. And this little girl may wind up being a victim!

    4. This little girl will not be encouraged to seek higher education and as a result will become a burden to others.

    5. This little girl may likely walk away from the ‘truth’ one day.

    6. The father or mother in this illustration have a good chance of one day having an extramarital affair.

    7. The father in this picture may have very little secular education; perhaps a laborer or janitor and yet serving as an elder with very little training for handling the many complex issues that he will have to deal with and past judgment on.

    8. This cute little family likely belongs to a congregation that has or have had members disfellowshipped and shunned for petty offences.

    My conclusion: I feel sorry for this family and what awaits them if they don’t wake up TTTATT!

  • erbie

    Yeah, I think it is they who are taking out the trash!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    RayPublisher >>>>>Good one...Door knockin ', May 15, 2013...What householders really think.

    I dreamed I was in field service last night. I dreamed I was walking down the sidewalk doing my RV's. I had, had, 3 ladies, in the same block. So in my dream, last night, it was a beautiful sunshiny day, and before I went up to the first one's door, I thought to myself, what the heck am I doing here? And got myself out of there ASAP. lol I'm healed! Even my sleeping brain, knows, l will not be bugging innocent people of their privacy any more.

    Just Lois

  • Tater-T

    they are all looking down...? are the JW's crawling out in service..


    More impact on the economy is right. Gas went up 18 cents this week. My family had $60 dollars to last a week, and my wife was griping about being poor. I asked, " How much gas money did you spend driving around in service in our SUV? " She said ," That doesn't matter! It's a gift to Jehovah!"

    Well, that's why for the last 2 months all contributions have went in to my secret stash. Just imagine the extra financial impact of wives pioneering consistently for 30 hrs each month. Gas is $ 3.60 per gallon. That is another bill that the rank & file have to pay. I think the next time that the Elders or the CO try to guilt trip me, I will hand them an expense report for gas and vehicle maintenance. I may ask the CO how he enjoys free room and board, his free car, and his health insurance... Oh, by the way I will happy to pay for all the utilities at the KH as well as extra contributions to fly all the Missionaries home..

  • steve2

    There is a hard core of JWs who actually do "get off" on being highly visible when doing the d2d work. But I'd say your average JW is much less inclined to swish around the streets in neatly pressed dress. The occasional JWs I may see from time to time are certainly not good advertisements for their religion: Usually a bit on the dumpy overweight side and someone ought to take the JW males in New Zealand aside and give them a few pointers on how to dress neatly in a suit instead of having suits that look like old sacks for potatoes. Strangely, none of their photos appear in the Watchtower.

    The Watchtower's continued appeal to one's religious pride - i.e., just by being out on the streets, you give a witness to worldly people - is simply the religious equivalent of people who ostentatiously pray in public, or who crawl devotedly up steep steps as an act of religious devotion or who wear readily identifiable religious garb that is so loved of religious people from all kinds of faiths.

    Public displays of pride and religious devotion go together like cheese and farts - you cannot have the former without the latter.

    Press that suit, man and tighten that corset, girl!

  • RayPublisher

    @Steve 2 -

    " The Watchtower's continued appeal to one's religious pride - i.e., just by being out on the streets, you give a witness to worldly people - is simply the religious equivalent of people who ostentatiously pray in public, or who crawl devotedly up steep steps as an act of religious devotion or who wear readily identifiable religious garb that is so loved of religious people from all kinds of faiths."


    There are many here in my part of the USA that dress up quite a lot in field serve-us and they bring their huge Tahoes and Escalades out so 7-8 can ride around and visit while a couple get out at a time and slowly trudge to an RV.

    They walk soooooo sloooooowly when doing territory too, and are in animated conversation with each other as they go down the street, showing that they mainly want to talk about their own stuff with their friends as opposed to really reaching anyone with the "good news". In my area they are all over at 10 am on a Saturday morning it's easy to watch their behavior. I walked right past a group of them one Saturday morning recently and not one of them stopped to give me a tract or even say hello- they were too absorbed in their own conversations to bother.

    This is what an average person observes, so the people wonder why they are going so slow, what they are selling, they are suspicious of their motives, etc. That's the "huge impact" the JWs have when they enter and exit a neighborhood for the most part.

    Are some folks encouraged? Yes. Are some JWs different than this? Yes, a few. But not many IMO...


    Since I am fading.... I went out Saturday. Yes, we had a huge impact! No one home. No one saw us except when we stopped for coffee!!! The ironic thing is that the only person I talked to was the son of a man I met some time ago during memorial invitation time. He was having a Bible Study in his home and it made an impact on me. I was aware of many things that were wrong in the ORG, but had not really looked into TTATT. So anyway, I go back to this " RV " and speak to the son for about 5 minutes. I tell him who I am, what is going on in my life, my fear of being DF'd for questioning. This kid just gives me his dad's phone number, and his Pastors number! So, I may sneek a little trip to their congregation this week to talk and tell them TTATT!

    The weird thing is, I have no fear that I am somehow displeasing YHWH by doing this..

  • respectful_observer

    Did the guy (really a JW) taking out the trash have to get an official dispensation to sport a day's worth of stubble?

    The picture of the sanitation worker may very well have been some stock photo which The Watchtower got permission to use. I can’t see the Brooklyn Pharisees relaxing their “Bible-based standards” one bit for even something as innocuous as a staged photo for any of their publications.

    Hmmm...I'm leaning toward it being an actual J-dub rather than a stock photo. After all, when's the last time you saw a garbage man wearing khakis...and I mean BESIDES during your last Bethel tour!

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