Has he tried to plea it down?
Unthinkable that he is putting this 15 year old through this.
by Tylinbrando 42 Replies latest jw friends
Has he tried to plea it down?
Unthinkable that he is putting this 15 year old through this.
Yes he is the extreme narcissistic version of arrogant. Way too smug behind the glass in full shackles and chains.
He has a well documented history of physical abuse. I have full confidence in the District Attorney. Yes it is unfortunate they will have to put
the minor through the horror again, but we knew this day was probably coming.
The opportunity to negotiate was passed up today(to the best of my knowledge) with his plea of not guilty and the "denial of all special allegations"
My daughter had just turned 11 when she took the stand and faced her molester. It was one of the hardest days of our lives but she got up there and told the truth.Yes, she left the stand in tears and it broke our hearts to she her that way...but in the end, there was a conviction and my daughter now takes great pride in knowing she helped put away a molester and in turn protected other children from becoming his next victims.
Please pass along to the brave young lady that she is my thoughts and prayers and so is her parent...they will get through it and actually come out more powerful for it.
truthssekeriam...that was very encouraging. Thank You. I will share that with my daughter.
I received a bit of good news that it may be possible in our county for the District Attorney to requested a closed chambers testimony for the minor. This may suffice as the trial unfolds to jury time and minimize her having to tell her story publicly in open court several times through the hearings over the next few weeks.
Good news foiled. The district attorney says in no uncertain terms, she has to testify in open court. I believe the truth will set her free and we have recieved an imeasurable amount of support from others that have experienced similar circumstances in court and prevailed. Again thanks to all of you for the PMs and helpful words. Where would we be without you?
just popped up on the news wires
Accused Molester Returns to US and HandcuffsYou +1'd this publicly. Undo Crime Voice - Feb 19, 2013 There are many complaints from Jehovahs Witnesses already about this case. Of course they will attempt to spin this story claiming Norris was ... |
Ironic that the Crime Voice article mistakenly assosciated Norris with the 7th Day Adventist Church.
Continued - Preliminary hearing setting 07/23/2013
this is crazy i know a lot of people from that hall! my dad use to do many talks there.
im so happy they got the bastard i hope it gets full punishment for what he did.
There is another elder ( i believe it was in 07 or 08) about 20 min from that hall that was found to have molested over 26 children over a couple of years , it was in the news and i know one of the elders that was in his judicial committee . but before they put him in custody him and his wife escaped to another city or country. he is still a fugitive. i hope he gets caught soon!!
Tylinbrando... what's the latest?