The one who will destroy Babylon the Great is Jesus ,but that doesn't mean that one has to quit exposing them .Jesus overturned the tables in the temple knowing fuill well that this will not bring the Pharisaic religious system to it's end ,still it showed that he cared .I do agree that there has to be a more concrete agenda with few and well chosen issues .My biggest two doctrinally are : 1) Baptised in the name of an organisation ,denying the power of the holly spirit and 2)Rejecting Jesus flesh and blood at the memorial .Both acts according to the Bible will lead you straight out of heaven. For that i'm willing to fight .I think the ex-jw community needs to act in harmony with the activists on the inside in order to intensify the pressure on these 8 Antichrists of New York .Paul was an ex merderer and so was Moses still that didn't stop them becoming leaders and doing good later on in their lives ...
Why are Ex-JW's not more effective in slaying the Watchtower monster?
by Terry 38 Replies latest watchtower bible
In order to be effective there would probably need to be a peace accord between ex-jws who are atheist and those who still believe in god.
raymond frantz
theredeemer, the doctrinal issues is something that dosn't bother then the atheist EX-JW's but both classes should agree that INFORMATION CONTROL ,MANIPULATION AND OUTRIGHT REWRITING OF HISTORY along with EXTREME DISFELLOWSHIPPING are human rights that need to be fought and they can be the common ground for both classes,do you agree?
what difference do i want to make and to whom?
Thanks for asking, my big sister whom is still in.. when I first started looking into the WT in 2009, called her and told so..
I said " It looks like these apostates are wanna be elders who are starting there own church'
She said.. "ya they are"
I said my friend said "I googled them, it looks like they have pedophile issues"
She said, " We did, but since then... no one who's been a molester can ever ..ever have postion in the congregation again"
haven't spoken to her since, recently I've download the OCT 1 BOE smoking gun letter.. and have hard copy.. was thinking of mailing it to her..
not sure of how, or how much to say .. may be just Dear sister what you told me isn't true .. here is proof .. from your own GB...
anyway... sugestions..I agree you can't talk WT doctrine with them...
here is me and my sister as childern.. I want my sister back .. it is sick that we cant be close bc of the WT
To actually slay the WT monster would be awonderful thing ! but, it would take concerted and well directed effort. I hope Cedars is right, and something is on the way.
The reason we are not good at Dragon Slaying at present is that we are an eclectic group only connected by our past. Most XJW's are not on JWN or anywhere else, they are just getting on with life. If the whole group of XJW's could be united they would be a formidable force.
But we see the same problem in politics, the number of non-religious people in the U.S is larger than the Christian Right, but as it is impossible to get elected in America if you have no religion, the Chrisitan Right has its own Politicians in place, and therfore a much louder voice than mere numbers should allow.
How do you get the non-religious to work together to combat the Christian right ? Not easy, and it just as hard with XJW's.
I like the video tate. normalcy abounds. my family life at that age consisted of a war zone on a daily basis, very few normal moments.
That's a great video of you & your sister....made me smile...:)
You can't talk to them, but that letter raises so many questions, and it's not apostate, it's the GBs own policies.
Keep trying, you never know how or when someone can change...good luck!
Despite Steve Hassan, the Moonies are still here (not that I think his goal is to bring down their organization but to help individuals)
Scientology is still here........despite their ex-members publicity
CHURCH UNIVERSAL AND TRIUMPHANT! still exists and working although their head died in 2009
The Roman Catholic Church still exists despite the Reformation and recent scandals
-------The goal I see is to help individuals be informed and give support
I really think my goal has changed over the years.
We each know people "still in" that we can communicate with in some small or taken fashion.
You can bet they are curious about information they aren't allowed access to.
Rather than firing an arrow over the wall and hoping it lands profitably I'm of the opinion that asking a provocative question is best.
"I hear the FDS isn't the remnant anymore.What good are the anointed to anybody and Why?" It can be deliberately asked wrong because the urge to correct you will be strong.
In correcting your awkward question they will have to think analytically and pass GO to collect the $200 NEW LIGHT.
Wedge issues let in daylight instead of New light.