I got money OUTLAW. I got .15 cents
The WTS goin' DOWN !!!!!!
by Terry 38 Replies latest watchtower bible
I got money OUTLAW. I got .15 cents
The WTS goin' DOWN !!!!!!
I agree with Outlaw and others here that the WT Society being a billion $$$ organization is able to AFFORD being much more organized with solidifying wealth as a corporation and affording WT corporate attorneys to do their bidding and fighting in courts for them. It's not for lack of effort or trying or motivation on any of our part- it's just that we are not mega-millionaires with access to $$$$ to bring the WT Society down on our own, or even perhaps collectively. I'd be open to doing a covert operation undercover though. Just tell me where to sign and I'm in if my expenses could be covered
Does anyone remember from their science classes how mountains erode to hills because of small amounts of wind, rain, and ice over time? The same is true of large, wealthy corporations. A 1000 mile trip starts with one step.
It would only take about 10,000 people to write to their US Congressman and coordinate with other like minded groups to encourage Congress to change tax laws, especially with the current fiscal crisis in Washington. Anybody heard of Catholics United? Members of Catholics United are angry that Cardinal Mahony will be participating in the upcoming papal conclave, despite recent revelations of child sex abuse cover-ups that occurred under his tenure as leader of the archdiocese. Does this give anyone an idea?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Hey Wuz!..
Don`t go spending your money foolishly!..LOL!!
Hey Flipper..
I'd be open to doing a covert operation undercover though.
Just tell me where to sign and I'm in if my expenses could be covered. Peace out, Mr. Flipper
It would never work Flipper..
There`s not enough money or manpower to successfully infilterate an organization that big..
Much less get paid for it..
The WBT$ already has Security in Place..
Disagree with the WBT$ and your history..
There are JW`s who have tried to fix things from the inside..
The WBT$ methodically weeded them out..
They used Friends and Family to do it..
No one is safe in the WBT$ JW Cult..
There`s plenty of JW`s who are happy right where they are..
They support the WBT$ with Money,Time and Labour..
They offer their children up as new recruits..
They will to Fight to the Death to stay in the WBT$.
They don`t care about,the Truth about "The Truth"..
Thats why the WBT$ isn`t going down anytime soon..
The best we can do..
Is help the people who want out..
........................ ... OUTLAW
Would like to hear about any stories that pertain to people trying to fix things from the inside, and then being weeded out. are you able to say in generic language what that looked like?
Would like to hear about any stories that pertain to people trying to fix things from the inside,
and then being weeded out. are you able to say in generic language what that looked like?....Cptkirk..
All you need to do is question the WBT$ about anything..
You`ll be given a warning
Your told not to run ahead of the organization..
Wait on Jehovah..
Not to cause division in the Congregation..
In other words..
If you can`t do that..
Your Next Stop is a JC..
Try arguing at a JC..
.......................... ..OUTLAW
I think the EX-JWS community has been somewhat effective in exposing the ridiculous amount of ignorance and corruption involving
this organization via the inter-net. This exposure over a period of time has pursued the GB of the WTS. to a make a video about themselves
full of half truth propaganda about their organization, stating throughout the video how the WTS. has been preaching the Truth since C T Russell days.
The executive heads of this religious organization are now aware of this apparent exposure and are getting a bit worried and paranoid about it I 'm sure.
So much so that in a recent article from them, they went on apologizing for the organization's past proclaimed information and teachings,
something you rarely if ever see coming directly from the WTS.
I actually like this thread alot. I have been wondering the same myself. I have no need for therapy here. While I have empathy and affection for thise here, I don't really know any of you or have any friendships. The real world for me is NOT this one site. That being said however, my mission in regards to my family, my integrity, and my loved ones, is the same as everyone elses here.
What unites us here is a FORMER BELIEF SYSTEM. That may be damn near the only thing that unites us. But that is enough! Why does someone have to be an thiest or believe in God to be approved by others here. They don't! If we can't have conversations with differing viewpoints and still wake up the next day and work on what we have in common, than we are still under the spell of the organization we left or are trying to leave.
We NEED in my mind, to start uniting against our enemy. I am here for no other reason than to help. Many here have done that for me, I want to do it for others.
If you don't give a crap, than go on about your buisness.
Personally I believe every person here contributes in some way to the GB or Sanhedrin being on the back foot, going into siege mode, lying to cover-up, and flip-flopping until eventually their (spiritual) madness and corruption will be plain for all to see.
I also believe countless people will not touch the Watchtower with a barge pole due to word of mouth. They may not be able to fully articulate what is wrong with the Watchtower but at a minimum they know instinctively it is surreptitiously supremacist, controlling, authoritarian, self-righteous, legalistic, dysfunctional, ignorant, anti-social, anti-sex, anti-gay, anti-education, anti-science, anti-faith, anti-gospel, anti-Christ, anti-life, anti-salvation and anti-spirituality.
Sometimes we also look at great names and thinkers past or present and forget that many interactions with ordinary people created the stepping stones that lifted them to great and even unthinkable heights.
As brave as Martin Luther was in challenging and mortally wounding the draconian establishment and the "orthodoxy of the moment" in 1517 there were numerous other players he drew insights and inspiration from (including the apostle Paul and Jesus).