WT wisdom - Same sex attraction does not mean you are gay

by irondork 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • irondork

    Given the confusion faced by gay youth in trying to navigate through a larger, hetero culture, the last thing these kids need is for a religious "authority" to come along and tell them they don't really exist. That is exactly what the WT has done with this article at JW.ORG:


    First, they tell these kids that their same-sex attractions are just a passing, hormonal fluctuation. Then, in a complete reversal of what they JUST said, they address the possibility that it is more than just a passing phase. Then, they associate homosexual attractions with fornication rather than a sexual orientation.

    The Bible’s stand is not unreasonable. It simply directs those with homosexual urges to do the same thing that is required of those with an opposite-sex attraction— to “ flee from fornication. ”

    When heterosexuals "flee from fornication", they are still free to experience the full range of sexual expression with their mate. That is not what they are suggesting a homosexual do. By categorizing homosexuality in with fornication, they are defining that persons' inner most desires and expressions of love for a possible mate as deseased and unacceptable to God. Under that definition, there is no other healthy sexual outlet for the gay individual.

    When you tell someone, "You are not allowed to love", the consequences of that message go far deeper than just creating an empty bed. It poisens every aspect of a person's ability to function as a human being. Is it any wonder gay youth have such a high rate of suicide?

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    Very well put. I am in the middle of reading John Irving's novel In One Person, it is a story that really shows the heartbreak that goes along with the gender/sexuality problems experienced by young people growing up in a repressed society. Not finished reading yet. There was also a documentary on tv last night dealing with three young teenagers that were transsexual, the agony they were going through was so obvious that my 12 year old son who was watching with me said "why should it be so hard to be who you want to be?" I shudder to think of my past views on homosexuality, I now have friends who are gay and to hear their stories in trying to be accepted as human beings with a different sexual preference is at times heartbreaking.

    The Watchtower society wants it both ways to sound accepting and yet really they are condemning. Their insight into human behaviour is superficial, heartless and to me repulsive. They have the same manner in dealing with alcoholism, depression and violence in the family and child abuse.

    Kind regards

    Chicken little

  • WTWizard

    There are really three categories. One is the primarily gay person, who is mostly attracted to the same sex. Another is primarily heterosexual, where they are mostly attracted to the opposite sex. The third is the bisexual who is attracted to both. And neither is absolute, since someone that is straight or gay can have an incident of being attracted to the gender they are not "supposed" to be. I believe absolute homosexuality and absolute heterosexuality is the result of an excessively rigid structure and not genuine.

    Where I place the shame on is those scumbags that make so many rules that people cannot fully enjoy their sexual nature, along with the exceptions that go along with it. Flee from fornication? Why? Diseases? Birth issues? What if one commits fornication plus uses magick to heal oneself and all partners? Suppose they use magick to heal AIDS from their partner before sex. What if everyone did that? I don't think there would be much AIDS for very long. And they could use magick to get pregnant, or avoid getting pregnant. If they were real good at it, people would only get pregnant when they want. You could have widespread fornication, widespread good health, and no unwanted pregnancy (or abortion) at the same time. And no sex hang-ups that result in people becoming pedophiles and setting out to ruin children's lives.

  • clarity

    OK WTWizard .......just where can we find this majic

  • Fed-up

    @IRONDORK: Hey. This is one of the most insightful things I've ever read about "SSA" or whatever the hell they call it now.

    "When you tell someone, "You are not allowed to love", the consequences of that message go far deeper than just creating an empty bed. It poisens every aspect of a person's ability to function as a human being."

    Thank you.

  • Satanus

    They are denying that homosex exists. Talk about sticking their collective gb heads in the sand.


  • Kudra

    "PRESSURE to be gay"??

    lol, wtf.

    Someone should report this article ot a medical group or something like that -it is SO damaging! I can't believe that there are people writing this sort of thing in 2013...

  • mP


    There are really three categories. One is the primarily gay person, who is mostly attracted to the same sex. Another is primarily heterosexual, where they are mostly attracted to the opposite sex. The third is the bisexual who is attracted to both

    m P:

    Actually this is incorrect. In ancient times there were other types of what we would call homosexuals. In that class based society it was perfectly fine to screw men, providing the high class man was the giver and not the taker. ALl those xians who claim homosexuality is new are utter liars, porneia means illegal sex w/ prostitutes. Homosexuality in all its forms is not prostitution. It was never illegal. Entire socities thought it was the purer form of sex and that women were there only for breeding, think the Greeks. Lesbians could marry in Egypt and all Caesars had toy boys. What we would call raping you boys was a perfectly normal social situation.

    Amazingly the Bible never condones these situations, ever. Jesus of course tells us to pay tax but never has an ill word for masters not to rape little boys. One has to wonder why Jesus is so worried about money and coudlnt spare a moment to save children from this evil.

  • glenster

    Liberal Christian stance on homosexuality: see about 2/3rds down the page:

    Epigenetics May Be a Critical Factor Contributing to Homosexuality, Study

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Irondork? What sort of grubby queer Avatar name is that? What, you are a homosexual so proud of your especially stiff erections that you choose a nickname accordingly?

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