JEFFRO: In Against Apion I Josephus also says Jerusalem was desolate during the 70 years, and not for seventy years. If someone goes somewhere during the week, it doesn't mean they were there all week.
Oh, playing on words like COJ focuses on "for" vs. "at" Babylon. I can accept that. In fact, I applaud that because it is addressed and not ignored. But by the same token, "during the 70 years" could also mean Jerusalem was desolate for more than 70 years, which it was. Remember, per the Bible, Jerusalem was destroyed in year 19 of Nebuchadnezzar II. It was not until year 23 that the 70 years of sabbath keeping begins. So Jerusalem was desolate from the standpoint of being destroyed for 74 years. If "desolate" means no people being there, then it would date from year 23 since the Bible does say those who were in Egypt returned to Judea (Jer. 44:14,28).
But Jeffro. If you are even beginning to suggest that this references 70 years of Babylonian domination while using the current popular timeline, there's nothing I can do about that. The VAT4956 in line 3 and 14 confirm that 511 BCE was the original date for year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar II. So there's no academic choice here. You have to deal with a REAL timeline, and that means where 511 BCE is year 37 of Neb2.
Further, per the Bible, the "70 weeks" prophecy must begin in the Fall in the 7th month. Period. That fits the work begun in the 1st of Cyrus. So per the Bible, as Martin Anstey recognizes, the 1st of Cyrus should fall in 455 BCE.
If you disagree with this, then the debate begins as to how reliable the secular records are in regards to the current timeline. But we already know from Greek sources just who and when the timeline was changed. So at some point you need to deal with the conflicts in the history and the timeline, like "The Delian Problem" where Plato is consulted in 430 BCE when he wasn't born until 428 BCE! The timeline where year 18 is dated to 587 BCE is now an academic JOKE, Jeffro. After the timeline was changed so masterfully by Xenophon, the astronomical texts exposed the revisions so had to be destroyed. In desperation, likely Jewish astronomers created "diaries" as a safe place to hide original references to the original timeline. That's why you have coordinated references from 511 BCE for year 37. Funny to me, per the Bible, when 455 BCE dates the 1st of Cyrus, then 511 BCE dates year 37. How is it that the Bible and the VAT4956 .