Sadly, your ideology leaves out a small percentage of people you deem essentially unexplainable. You have created labels for them like "psycho", "sadist", "pathological", "sociopath", "egomaniac" etc.... - sabastious
I have not fleshed out a complete ideology. We haven’t talked about the small, apparently unreformable percentage that seems to take pleasure in cruelty. We haven’t come close to concluding that these people are unexplainable.
... lack of family … - sab
Reverence for the family is a relatively modern concept. It certainly wasn’t around during Abraham’s time, nor the ancient Romans.
Animals murder and rape each other all the time, we expect it from them. - sab
I don’t expect that. Animals behave as animals do. They have strong codes for acceptable behavior, and less tolerance for variance than people have. What animals rape?