Tim Tebow to address Anti-Gay Anti-Semetic Mega Church

by designs 110 Replies latest social current

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    For the rest- I guess yall really think the government should tell people what to believe if it really offends your sensibilities?

    You come to strange conclusions from what is written.

    I like the way you say their ignorant comments should be allowed because THEY are entitled to freedom of speech. But anyone who says they disagree of find it disgusting...are attacking. Are WE not entitled to the same freedom of speech you state others are. Or do we offend YOUR sensibilities.

    We are only stating what we think. Just like they are and you are. And yet you defend their right to do it, but not ours. And you label us cowards.

    The only cowardly people I see are the ones hiding behind religions making homophobic, racist, sexist bigoted comments. And guess what. I am also free to say that. Just as YOU are able to call us cowardly.

    My point is, instead of trying to take away all our rights maybe some of you should spend more time either advocating for your cause somewhere besides the internet or work on amending the constitution to only allow freedom for those that don't hurt your feelings.

    Who is trying to take away YOUR rights? If some religions had their way they sure would.

    Get off your high horse and realize WE are also entitled to hold opinions AND voice them. Yes they have the right to say whatever disgusting thing they like. Although I think racist comments are covered by Hate speech laws in most countries. They all vary, as in India, their Hate speech laws seem to be more focused on religion, and of course some countries even have blasphemy laws. Who is trying to silence whom? Whose feelings are being hurt?

    I don't have to agree...THAT'S MY RIGHT. I also don't have to vote for them. That is also my right. If I think a religion is bigoted and a member of that religion is standing for government. I don't have to lump it and like it...I can vote against it for whatever reason I like. That is my right.

    So yeah. They have rights. And so do we. We have the right not to be treated as s**t by THEM...unless you live in a country that has blasphemy laws of course. Then they do what they like. You have very few rights.

  • designs

    Wt. celebrities like Larry Graham, Prince, and the Williams sisters get pegged to all of the Wt. problems by their public comments about either 'Jehovah' or their JW faith. So it is with Tim Tebow. There are dozens of moderate Baptist Churches he could have chosen to give a motivational speech (assuming that will be the speech) that do not have the controversial positions of this particular church and its pastor.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    You asked:

    Now why should I as a humanist be concerned about your religious beliefs and the faith that has killed and enslaved hundreds of millions of people over the centuries.

    That's my question to you. When I asked you for your sources, I'm doing so to confirm or deny if indeed I, Tebow, or Pastor Jeffries actually hold to the beliefs in question. You have a very long history on this board of putting words in other people's mouths. My faith has never killed or enslaved anyone.

    Then you make claims that you can't back up with facts, simply to cover your own hatred.

    Because I am a humanist, I want our civilization to progress and our earth to be a safe environment.

    Your answer is sad and truly shows you don't believe your own garbage, nor are you able to live up to your own hypocritical standard. Are not these people as human as all the humans you seek to protect? Are they not part of that civilization and just as deserving of fairness as anyone else. Or do you see them as fair game to smear with your hatred and bigotry?

    I believe murder is murder, bigotry is bigotry, hatred is hatred no matter which human does it.

  • designs

    DD- Do your homework on the history of Christianity, take its subjugation and mass murder of the indigenous peoples of the Americas for starters. You were given several sources and a link on the news items, you can go to the First Baptist web site for confirmation.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    So is Tebow going to tell the crowd all about how God blessed his performance last season?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I'm sure this church would also welcome Marcus Bachmann and his beard wife, to come and tell them about how prayer "fixes" homosexuality.

    Of course these people have the right to free speech. That's how they earn the privilege to have their "clinics" glitterbombed and lose government funding because they're quacks.

    Edit to add: Freedom of speech would also allow others to sketch penises into the above image and repost the picture.

  • designs

    Jesus really likes Touchdowns and Quarterback sacks.

  • ohiocowboy

    I don't understand how Tim Tebow can be against Gay people when he himself plays in a sport that has Tight Ends and Wide Receivers...

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    You have cited NOTHING yet.

    First be honest, then give your opinion.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Did Christianity, subjugate or commit mass murder of the indigenous peoples of the Americas, or did humans?

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