Watchtower studies like today's really make me feel anger for this cult. I mean almost all of them do but this one is one of those articles that takes things too far.
I mean they are condemning the people who are trying to help/save the earth because it's "satan's" world and instead are saying that religious salesmen with magazines are doing way more than the others! Like are you f**king kidding me? Another reason why I hated this study article is for what some of the young ones did in response to the study. As one was unwrapping a piece of candy, he decided to throw the wrapper on the ground. Another kid came by and asked why he had done that to which the other kid says, "it doesn't matter because we're only temporary here and god's gonna fix it anyway." And then the other kid just nodded away in agreement. So now the watchtower is creating heartless careless people who not only don't give a crap about you if you're not a witness, but also don't care about the earth at all! I don't think the org knows how sick and twisted they are making their followers. Or maybe they do. I couldn't believe the pictures on page 20. Ugh it's all just so retarded.Today's watchtower study... Ugh.
by OneDayillBeFree 20 Replies latest jw experiences
yep ... join our cause of giving up on trying to fix anything... you'll make Jehovah mad if we succede .. and he won't be able to destroy the world
So for Gods sake DON"T EVEN TRY! to make any imporovements
Sparlock the Wizard
I LOL'd when I saw the picture... It's the same old propaganda since the 50's and 60's; the bros just got better at using Photoshop apparently
But , but , but the time is REDUCED
Would someone plse post that page ..... now that
no one does street work around here anymore ....
I'm watchtower deficient!
I remember wanting to participate in a fundraiser called Walk to Save the County, which purchased land to prevent development of wetlands and other wild areas.
My mother made me ask an elder if it was ok.
He said the name wasn't too spiritual. We cannot puff ourselves up with pride and claim we are saving anything. Time would be better spent in field service--would I agree to go out door knocking that day instead?
I mean, WTF? A kid wants to do a decent, wholesome thing...
breakfast of champions
REBEL8 - ^^^^^^that kind of bullshit is one of the things I truly HATE about this religion. Absolutely useless people unwilling to relieve suffering or do "temporary" good. An amazing intertia that is programmed in during WT studies like today's. . . Yet you don't see anyone turning down social programs and benefits Satan's Evil 'ol System has to offer. . . they'll take advantage of that for sure. . .
Didnt jesus do temporary good for the poor sick and lame?
NO only for the "Deserving" poor sick and lame. (A WT term)
Being a Witness was a great crutch for my inherent laziness and apathy. Why try to fix anything in this world when it's all going to be fire-and-brimstoned soon? Those poor kids in Africa will get a resurrection some day that will make up for their painful death from starvation that you could be preventing for the same cost as your monthly Watchtower donation, so give the money to Jehovah instead!
@hamsterbait: Notice how the Society NEVER, EVER talks about Jesus' poor box.
The religion's philosophy is a handy excuse for not doing anything of practical help to one's fellow humans. I remember my JW aunt boldly declaring that medical doctors "don't really know what they're doing", yet she would frequently rush off to see her doctor for pills and potions. It's the sweepingly negative view of "worldy" people daring to try to help their fellow humans that truly irks me about the JWs - and just see them lining up to ensure they get the benefits of worldy people's inventiveness and creativity!