Today's watchtower study... Ugh.

by OneDayillBeFree 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lostinnj83

    Anyone else love how the watchtower said it doesn't destroy families or promote suicide?? UMMM I disagree!!!

  • LouBelle

    I don't know how you can stomach going. It would totally *f* my mind up. Perhaps in situations like that with the kid, you couls say something to make their lil brains think.

  • Emery

    I had a friend who was very OCD about having his car clean, everytime we grabbed fast food from a drive thru, he would-- once he finished-- toss out his entire bag and drink out the car. I remember I told him how he shouldn't litter, he turned to me and said, "When Armageddon comes, im gonna have to clean it all up anyway, so why worry about it now?." Obviously this isn't the attitude of all JWs, however they do have a careless attitude about the earth (magazines = trees) and local communities since God is gonna handle it all in the future. Thus, their activities for ophans, widows, charities, education, etc. are completely absent. Their only interest is to convert, if you don't convert they could care less about you as a neighbor.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    This was the primary reason a friend of mine wouldn't listen to her JW friend, (not me, someone she grew up with), because she called dubs, defeatists. Don't do anything to help, the world is done. Don't try tomake life tolerable, it's all done blah blah blah vomit. She just couldn't stand the fact the dubs thought they were saving the world, on magazine at a time

  • QueenWitch

    This is same reason why JWs don't vote or contribute to any charities. It makes for a very selfish organization. Sure, there are reports of JWs helping a "worldly" neighbor during a disaster but that's only because it's convenient.

  • cobaltcupcake

    I can remember wanting to volunteer to help out in the community, but of course I couldn't. I had to repress those desires and try not to care.

    Is there any part of your personality they don't try to squelch?

  • problemaddict

    My kid is just a baby. But man if I don't almost obsess about him having a sense of community, and helping others. especially those weaker than him, without pre-conditions.

    I remember actually justifying why we didn't have charities, etc.... I am ashamed of that.

  • respectful_observer
    "it doesn't matter because we're only temporary here and god's gonna fix it anyway." And then the other kid just nodded away in agreement.

    Hey, that's the same conversation I hear between all the baby boomer J-dubs that are just now realizing they haven't saved enough (any?) money for retirement!

    "Well it's a good thing Armaggedon will be here soon before it becomes an issue for me!" (Righttt....I'm sure Jehovah's planning the date of death of billions of men, women, and children based on how small your 401(k) balance is.)



    If you are a Christian, then preaching the REAL GOOD NEWS is something you should do any chance you get. The problem with self-righteous people is that they do not realize that Matthew 23:23 applies to them, " 23 "Woe to YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because YOU give the tenth of the mint and the dill and the cumin, but YOU have disregarded the weightier matters of the Law, namely, justice and mercy and faithfulness. These things it was binding to do, yet not to disregard the other things. 24 Blind guides, who strain out the gnat but gulp down the camel."

    I actually had 2 Elders tell me that it was wrong to miss service to help a neighbor who had an emergency in the home. Where in the scriptures does it say not to help someone, even temporarily, just because it's temporary? You wouldn't refuse to give a man a fish to feed him for a day, just because teaching him to fish is better would you? If he dies of starvation then he will never fish at all. The greedy self-righteous of the world who have pleged their wealth to the " temple " are just selfish. They actually believe that God cares more about hourly preaching than helping others in a practical way. Jesus told the Pharisees how far off base they really were. Some humbly learned a hard lesson and changed. The majority became murderers. Those who hate their brothers for telling the truth will not escape punishment.

  • BU2B

    Shows how they feel about this simple statement- The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot from the world. James 1:27 NWT

    So much of the Gospels and Pauls writings focused on feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, clothing the naked, etc.. Look at Jesus feeding thousands with loaves and fish, and they dont even feed at the assembly anymore. James didnt say dont worry about the poor ones, Jah will fix it, wait on Jah.. The real message and main mission of Christians is to help those in need out. They are so far from the way Jesus was its ludicrious. Just like Pharisees, no time to help the amharets.. Worldlings, scum in their eyes

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