Title of article "Do you Regularly Check the Information Board?"
Yes they are going to have a part telling people to go read the board in back! Still not using the evil term "Bulletin board" eh WTS?
Elders, ministerial servants, and others who have congregation responsibilities regularly look at the information board to see when they have an assignment. However, all in the congregation will find important information there. Do you know when it is your turn to clean the Kingdom Hall? Has the circuit overseer or branch office sent important correspondence to the congregation? Do you know the title of the public talk this week so that
you can invite your Bible student? Have adjustments been made to the meeting scheduleor in your field service group? Much of this information is no longer announced during the meetings, and it may not be possible for the elders to convey it to every publisher individually. Thus, we should check the information board regularly. If we keep ourselves informed, then all things can take place “decently and by arrangement.”—1 Cor. 14:40.
No wonder the service meeting continues to be the biggest waste of time...