Early church fathers

by Rattigan350 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I agree that way too many people think of the bible as the only authority.

    My brother the [devout]JW will argue that the [catholic] church does not follow the bible and that they fell away from Jesus's true teachings by the early 3rd or 4th century. No specific date because the WTS has not given him that info.

    When I tell him that the bible is a catholic book that was confirmed around 392 ad, he just has a very confused look.

    The early church fathers [and their writings] were and are a treasure. Their teachings are confirmed in 2Thessalonians 2:15

    NWT 2Thess 2:15 So, then, brothers, stand firm and maintain ? YOUR ? hold on the traditions that ? YOU ? were taught, whether it was through a verbal message or through a letter of ours


    Sorry, I don't know where those question marks came from. I copied and pasted that from the WTS website.

  • Phizzy

    Dear TTWSYF, interesting that you quote those words from Thessalonians in a thread where we are engaged on bashing the WT for being deceitful.

    Thessalonians is a case of a writer fraudulently claiming to be Paul, the writer or writers have written the very words you quote to make the Letter seem genuine, the WT have some first century fraudsters as an example to follow, proving as correct the WT cliam that they model themselves on first century christianity.

  • PSacramento

    For those that want to read the views of the early church fathers:

    The Apostolic Fathers: Greek Texts and English Translations

    Michael W. Holmes (Author)

  • problemaddict

    The ECF's were not extremely consistant in my opinion. Of course, how could they be in the times they were in. I am certainly no fan of the SYBT brochure. The ECF's in general seemed to contradict themselves sometimes without the help of WT manipulation.


    My quoting of Thessalonians confirms the catholic church's teachings that go back some 2000 years and changes very little.

    The WTS goes back less than 150 years and is always changing.




    ha ha...I did it again.....sorry

  • mP

    I find Origen a strange name. It pays homage horus. WHy is a believer of Jesus continuing to use a name to another God in their name ? WHy did his Xian parents give him such a name. Imagine a JW continuing to use a name like SonOfSatan or ILoveBaal, surely the WTS would advisse them to change.



    Origen's Greek name Origénes ( ?ριγ?νης ) probably means "child of Horus" (from ?ρος , "Horus", and γ?νος , "born"). [9] His nickname or cognomen Adamantius derives from Greek ?δ?μας , which means "man of adamant." He acquired it because of his severe ascetical practices.

    The more you read the beliefs of these doctors of the church you realise they were either liars (eg Eusebius) or believed completely different things. Eg


    Chapter 21. Analogies to the history of Christ

    And when we say also that the Word, who is the first-birth of God, was produced without sexual union, and that He, Jesus Christ, our Teacher, was crucified and died, and rose again, andascended into heaven, we propound nothing different from what you believe regarding those whom you esteem sons of Jupiter.

    Here Justin Martyr admits theres no diff between Jesus and the pagan gods. I wonder when the WTS will print that ?

  • soontobe
    I find Origen a strange name. It pays homage horus. WHy is a believer of Jesus continuing to use a name to another God in their name ? WHy did his Xian parents give him such a name. Imagine a JW continuing to use a name like SonOfSatan or ILoveBaal, surely the WTS would advisse them to change.

    Well, why would Mark keep his name? He's named after Mars. There is even a Gospel with his name on it.

    The more you read the beliefs of these doctors of the church you realise they were either liars (eg Eusebius) or believed completely different things

    The early church fathers weren't infallible, and no one claims they were. Where there is a discrepancy with what is considered to be orthodox, the writing always predates an official doctrinal formulation made when all the fathers came together in a council. Historically, the church has only ever defined something as a "must believe" when there has been division that threatened the unity of the church. There were several things that weren't ironed out. However, there is no case to my knowledge where the consensus of the early fathers goes against what was later considered orthodox. Perhaps one or two writers, but never a majority of the fathers.

    Here Justin Martyr admits theres no diff between Jesus and the pagan gods.

    He admits no such thing. He is writing an apologetic work during a time of persecution, trying to show that the Christian religion wasn't this evil that the pagans thought should be bloodily stamped out, but was superior.

    He goes on to say in that same paragraph:

    But far be such a thought concerning the gods from every well-conditionedsoul, as to believe that Jupiter himself, the governor and creator of all things, was both a parricide and the son of a parricide, and that being overcome by the love of base and shameful pleasures, he came in to Ganymede and those many women whom he had violated and that his sons did like actions. But, as we said above, wickeddevils perpetrated these things. And we have learned that those only are deified who have lived near to God in holiness and virtue; and we believe that those who live wickedly and do not repent are punished in everlasting fire.

    Big diff!

    That's an apologetic work written to the pagans of that time and place, so it is using their themes and beliefs as a framework to explain what Christians believed. Paul spoke in front of the temple of the unknown god in Athens, and stated he was there to talk about him. Similar principle.

    You are using Watchtower style quoting. What you are doing is like what they do to others, such as in the Trinity brochure.

  • soontobe

    mP, googling makes it sound like you are getting the Justin Martyr Jesus/Jupiter stuff from the Zeitgeist movie. That movie has been widely debunked.

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