Double Life??

by Gozz 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gozz

    Nelly, this is it. I think they've got too much to loose if it happens that I leave the bolting way. They'll remain 'blinded'. I wish to let my friends see the true history of the org and let them know all the stuff it seems is being hidden. And to do that without being seen as an enemy. And to do it with love. I doubt they'll be able to handle a sudden exposure to the facts. I know a family member whom I'm sure will have a psycho condition were the truth to be known to her. Slowly, they should learn the history, not from the Proclaimers book. They should learn about those changes made to the wordings from the issues of the WT. How will they know if I suddenly become a demon? Truth is, I have no problem with one being a JW, just that they remove the thought that only they are going to be there after the big A, know that they must take responsibility for their actions and the decisions they make, not dumping it on the writing dept.

    TR, I do have a higher goal of helping the 'needy'. That's a simple Christian message. All organized religion seem to have that trait. They do. But I think belonging to a group helps. Like yu'll agree this is a group. But you must make your decisions. No man may rule your life. And that's what I see with me.

    Thanks Larc. Thanks. YYou remain their friends, right? I think that's the way. IF you're going to leave, just fade out, don't blast out.

  • larc


    I had the great fortune to hear Peter Gregerson talk about how he got his family out. (he is the disfellowshipped man who had lunch with Ray Frantz, which gave the WT the excuse to disfellowship Ray.)

    After much research, he just didn't believe it any more. Rather than confront his family, he would say things occasionally, like "you know, I'm perplexed, there's something I don't understand." or "I don't know, but I don't get why this is so, can you explain?. No attacks, just seeds of doubt. He brought his entire family out with much patience. I don't if that you will work for you, but maybe you could help some good friends. I just kow the direct approach does not work.

  • mommy

    I know where you are at right now, and it is OK.
    IMO(a good friend once told me to never say humble opinion) You are still tryig to figure everything out. It is OK. There is soooo much more than just attending a church, when it comes to wtbts. YOU have to feel in your heart it is right! I am a nurse and I have a different view on the blood issue myself. I won't get into it now, but, everyone has an opinion. This is your deep seeded thought and should not be ignored!
    Just take this time to be silent, look,listen, pray. I hope you find what it is you are searching:)

  • Sabrina99

    Stay a JW and the world will Thank you!

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