It's so they can be used as an example prop on the stage to encourage guilt others into spending more time in field circus. Also it's so they don't have to be in the position of revealing confidential information about the number of hours someone puts in order to use them as prop.
Why do witnesses need the title of pioneer to get 30 hours?
by BU2B 26 Replies latest jw friends
they received a 1099 from Brooklyn
Please tell me you're joking.
What was the average total - $3.85?
You are right on. That's what I've raised before, why the need for all these special titles? Why can't we just simply eliminate these special titles they give to these people? Elders? Pioneers? Special Pioneers? COs? How about instead we call them slaves? That's what Jesus said, we were slaves not masters. He even told us he came to serve, not to be served.
Wait... but then these little self proclaimed spiritual brothers and sisters would add adjectives to their slave title, slave class I, slave class II, and so on.
Most of the people I know that are MS or elders or pioneers are in it for the recognition. Not to serve and try to really help people, they are helping their already low self steem and love the glorification they receive from others. But nothing will change, on the contrary, they'll keep coming up with other titles to incentive people to try and "grow" within the organization.
We used to call someone with 30 hours a good publisher.
WTS is really watering down the requirements for regconition.
I am a deeply spiritual person first and foremost, and a status-hungry individual second. I am not primarily interested in everyone in the congregation praising me for my consecutive months of auxiliary pioneering, but a little praise from the platform and patting me on my weary back wouldn't go amiss. I sacrificed my potential career out of a strong love of our Creator, Jehovah God.
I want it on record that I sincerely uttered the exact following words to Jehovah God last evening just before bedtime:
"Dear Jehovah God,
If I do my best to warn people of the coming destruction - at a quantifiable average of 30 hours a month - will you protect me when you destroy everyone else in my immediate neighborhood? I would be so grateful if you would do this for me.
Yours in Jesus Christ's name,
Ephesians 2:8-10 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,9 not a result of works,
so that no one may boast.10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Since JWs are not allowed to be saved by grace, they have no choice but to boast in their own works.
If I genuinely thought the end was coming, say in a week, and that it was worth living in what lies beyond, it would make sense to skip everything else that week. Go ahead and warn people. Go online and spam forums and YouTube with the message--you might get banned, but if the end is coming in a week, it won't matter. Go door to door when it will do the most good (not during midweek in the middle of the morning when people are at work). Present a well-organized message of what's coming and what they need to do immediately so they will not be destroyed. You will be out mostly during the evenings and weekends. Purchase advertisements in the newspapers--they cannot censor it if you pay for the advertisement. For those who are handy with a video camera, do an infomercial and get it right on the air. Whatever hardship you endure doing this so will just be for the week.
Instead, the washtowel needs these "perks" to get people to do more field circus. When I was in, I did something like 20-25 hours a month without any special title. These days, they need to entice people. And since they cannot entice the witlesses with a iPhone 4 (or a monster box of silver), they use these titles. It gets them wasting the time going through the same territories repeatedly. Nothing gets accomplished. The witlesses are prevented from doing anything whatsoever to improve their souls--even something like spending 15 minutes just enjoying the spring flowers, a winter storm, summer cookouts, fall leaves, or Christmas lights is better than nothing. This time is wasted on a message that people are supposed to keep hearing, with no effect.
Not only that, but witlesses have no time to prepare for the coming crisis. They cannot acquire silver and gold. Their hours of working (and opportunities to make money work for them) are limited by time wasting and/or rules. They cannot stock up on flashlights, batteries, and chargers for the coming energy crisis (and many were unprepared for regular storms that take out their electricity). For them, it means doing without while giving everything to the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery. None of which would matter if Armageddon was 100% guaranteed to come in a week.