Victorian sexuality.
The Bible and Masturbation...4000 years of inspired input and no scriptures about it ?
by smiddy 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
bats in the belfry
Nothing much has changed over the years. In 2011 they are at it again: "Like Mário and André, you can find help in your efforts to conquer the habit of masturbation." Really, those dix are still up to writing about
"Although the people quoted in this article are males, many females also struggle with masturbation. Hence, the advice given pertains to both genders. Note, too, that this article discusses masturbating oneself. Doing it outside of marriage to another person is included in what the Bible calls fornication, a very serious sin in God’s eyes" (g 11/06 pp. 18-20).
Bible-based backup for that assertion: zip.
Watchtower: Why is it bad to masterbate but ok to rape little kids ?
When I spoke to my young nephew about masturbation (no father he could approach) he said none of the JW kids he knows take any notice of this stuff anymore.
I was so happy for him to be of a generation of born in JW's that take what the GB say & write with a pinch of salt.
breakfast of champions
You know, reading those excerpts from that piece-of-shit "Youth" brings back memories - not good ones.
No wonder my brain is still so fucked up!
I also read & taught all that garbage from those books,I feel very sorry to have done that teaching.
I believe teaching that Masturbation is a so very wrong, I do believe that anything we do too excess
can be harmful. I will tell you ( I am 85) & have had a group of ex JWS ,the women also say how very
guilty they felt if they also did the act....Being married to a very horny Catholic,I never had to do it to myself.
But as I stated in a previous post....When hubby called the elders over to complain that I was working
for them going door to door,& we needed moneyhe wanted me to work for HIM!!!! They told me in front
of him that I must obey my husband.So "GRACE YOU MUST GO TO WORK" I thought I would be smart
& tell them " well how come you say I must not have oral sex with him ( that is what he also wants) I
had black eyes on occasion because I would obey the WT & refuse.. They then said
"WELL GRACE YOU MUST OBEY your husband.."I, at that moment KNEW this was man made rules org.
I believe to satisfy ones feelings ,when the urge is so great, is not wrong, remembering anything done to
excess is harmful,sex,drink,so using ones brain & asking for direction NOT from men from GOD!
He gave us our sex organs.....He did expect them to be used in a sensible manner.Sex with out
consent in ANY form is a sin......As always I am MOUTHY!!!! -
Erm, 88JM, study much? LOL!
OMG, I totally remember reading that stuff from the Youth book when I was a kid. How completely awkward!!!!
Because that book, every time I was more than 5 minutes in the bathroom, my mother started to knock hard the door and shouted: "what are you doing there for so long?? I replied, in a tightened voice, I'm shi_ _ing!!
If a God designed sex for procreation then surely this wouldnt become an issue until they reached the age of puberty ,not when a male is still a baby.
Bad design I guess.