The Bible and Masturbation...4000 years of inspired input and no scriptures about it ?

by smiddy 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    perfect cult control

    from late childhood, instill a deep rooted sense of self loathing, then introduce the 'solution', ie; the cult solution to the self loathing that leaves the person still self loathing but just functional enough to serve the leader in the vain hope of absolution.


  • WTWizard

    As with homosexuality, I will respond by stating that people that masturbate are not parasites on society that seek to enslave the human race. They are doing no harm to anyone--so why does society make such a big stink about it? Perhaps because there are people(s) that are inherently parasites seeking to enslave the human race, and social engineering (i.e., dirtifying sex) is one of their tools? And the washtowel doesn't help--placing guilt trips on people for masturbation. So what if I do it or not? It's none of their damn business.

  • thecrushed

    I also remember being suicidal over the info the gb put out too. i was too imbarrassed and afraid of punishment to ask for help. I even asked god to make me asexual so i wouldnt have to sin against him. For a long time i had a sick love hate thing about pretty girls that made me resent them for giving me sexual feelings. as a result i was severly inept with the opposite sex for many years.

  • mouthy

    I hope you found a good mate now thecrushed,,,,Even so to relieve oneself with sex with great..
    Any sex is great as long as you are both in agreement ( You you yourself & it)

  • braincleaned

    I remember feeling guilty for the logest time because of this piece of shit book, written by old crappy sex-fearing idiots.
    I HATE the WTS and their criminal inventions for guilt tripping the young ones... I finally feel better now, and happily masturbate anytime I feel like it.


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