What if there were NOTHING?
You see?
That is a question.
It is asked by somebody who does exist.
That question could NOT be asked if there actually were nothing.
Why is there something rather than nothing?
That is a question asked only by people who exist.
If there were nothing-- the question would not be asked because it could not be asked.
Objects....things....conditions...phenomena APART FROM minds do not concern themselves with reasons, causes or consequences.
The human mind does that. Objects don't.
So, why is there "something" rather than nothing? Hmmm?
Because: you couldn't ask the question otherwise. That's why.
Once existence exists the question is pointless.
Is the glass half-full or half-empty?
Question: did you just pour something IN or pour something OUT.....because that is the only relevent set of conditions which provides context.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Answer: The egg.
The egg is a cell.
Life began as units.
Example: the largest cell in the female body is the ovum in the ovaries. The smallest cell in the male body is the sperm.
Simple units form complex organisms.
You may as well ask: "Which came first, one....or two?"