Easy questions others make difficult to answer

by Terry 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    What if there were NOTHING?

    You see?

    That is a question.

    It is asked by somebody who does exist.

    That question could NOT be asked if there actually were nothing.

    Why is there something rather than nothing?

    That is a question asked only by people who exist.

    If there were nothing-- the question would not be asked because it could not be asked.

    Objects....things....conditions...phenomena APART FROM minds do not concern themselves with reasons, causes or consequences.

    The human mind does that. Objects don't.

    So, why is there "something" rather than nothing? Hmmm?

    Because: you couldn't ask the question otherwise. That's why.

    Once existence exists the question is pointless.


    Is the glass half-full or half-empty?

    Question: did you just pour something IN or pour something OUT.....because that is the only relevent set of conditions which provides context.


    Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

    Answer: The egg.

    The egg is a cell.

    Life began as units.

    Example: the largest cell in the female body is the ovum in the ovaries. The smallest cell in the male body is the sperm.

    Simple units form complex organisms.

    You may as well ask: "Which came first, one....or two?"

  • prologos

    terry, as always brilliant. this "nothing" question reminds me of the

    question asked the serial bank robber:

    Why do you rob banks???--- becaauuse:

    Thats where the MONEY isss! or:

    How LONG was there NOTHING before there was anything?

  • cantleave

    Terry, great post!

  • Terry

    When dealing with facts and truth two things are important:

    1. Include only what is essential.

    2. Remove the undefined.

    In a court of law the Truth just doesn't cut it. Two other elements are required.

    The Truth. The Whole Truth. Nothing but the Truth.

    More harm is done to honest investigation by asking poorly constructed questions without context or definition than we could list.

    There are people who can hear colors. A synesthesiac, consequently, has contexts which have no point of reference for non-synesthesiacs.

    In much the same way, religious people can find "meaning" in constructed questions which assume a numinous context.

    Non-religious or "other"-religious persons can't hear those colors.

    So many things have to line up like the tumblers in a combination safe before a question CAN be asked and answered!

  • Ding

    I don't agree that the question of why there is something rather than nothing is pointless.

    There are lot of things for which we do not have complete or adequate answers.

    Philosophers ask such questions all the time.

    Are all such questions pointless?

  • DesirousOfChange

    Which came first, the chicken or the egg?


  • Tater-T


    why are we here? because were here.... why does it happen ? because it happens....

  • unstopableravens

    or maybe if god were all powerful can he create a rock so heavy he cant lift it?

  • EdenOne

    Reminds me of Descartes .... "I think, therefore, I exist"


  • Terry

    I don't agree that the question of why there is something rather than nothing is pointless.

    There are lot of things for which we do not have complete or adequate answers.

    Philosophers ask such questions all the time.

    Are all such questions pointless?

    My great grandmother use to have a thing she'd say to me when I was about 5 or 6 years old.

    I asked a lot of questions. She being very old had limited strength and patience.

    She would select some questions for answering and for the others she would tell me:

    "Pretend I just answered your question and you are satisfied with my answer. Now, how is your world any better?"

    Let's just say I learned that, according to my great grandmother, there was a difference between useful curiousity and idle curiousity.

    And the difference was that useful curiousity made your world a little better when your question was answered.

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