I just have but one thing to say or answer toward this thread .................
Easy questions others make difficult to answer
by Terry 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The best question for life is to continue seeking the answer.
finkel stein, you said : seeking the answer, right.
--which means= asking the question. ------that is why
the other stein, not funkel stein, but A.
EINSTEIN is reputed to have died with his notebook in his hand.--- probably with the question, pending quest for the united theory of everything. ---so,
after amazing answers, always ask quality questions.
It could be that there is no reason for, or point to, our existence or the existence of the universe. It just is. To believe otherwise would suggest a planner with limitless power, intelligence and foresight. Such a planner would be obvious to every surface dwelling living creature, in the same way that diminutive little star we call our sun is visible to all such creatures.
Personally I don’t believe there is a grand plan or ultimate destination. Scientist are able to predict the length of time the universe will last before atrophy causes its disorderly end. Just cold dead burnt out stars and planets floating in space. Fortunately I won’t be around to see it or ask a god what the **** went wrong.
I noticed a long time ago that authors who wrote conspiracy theory books did not deal with evidence or facts so
much as they pretended to do so.
A non-thinker who writes conspiracy theories simply asks piles and piles of questions.
When you pose a question ABOUT a fact you imply that it is something needing to be impugned.
Undermine enough facts by jabbing at them and the whole foundation appears to crumble.
Mind you---it is an appearance rather than an actuality.
Take the idea that we never actually put a man on the moon. Study that argument. It consists of stacks and stacks of little questions and no facts at all.
Jehovah's Witness theology has done that very thing since its inception.
Russell or Rutherford or Freddy Franz would poke and jab questions about doctrines until the implication of insubstantiality was a kind of "evidence" itself.
This is why JW doctrine is built on "evidently" rather than evidence.