Is this true?

by recovering 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • recovering

    Pope Benedict's resignation linked to gay conclave: report

    A 300-page dossier compiled by three cardinals investigating the theft of Vatican documents was reportedly given to the Pope the day he decided to resign. The investigation is said to have uncovered a number of factions within the Vatican of gay men who have engaged in sexual activity with male prostitutes and at organized sex romps.

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  • mrsjones5

    Would you be surprised if it were?

  • recovering

    No but there are so many rumors these days. I was wondering if any one else has heard this.

  • designs

    The story/scandal is making the News Media rounds today. Photos of Priests at a Rome bath-house. 3 Cardinals delivered the devastating news to the Pope who then planned his exit to a protected Convent still within Vatican City.

    In the never-ending hypocracy of the Catholic Church they have taken to chastizing the Girl Scouts for being associated with Medecins Sans Frontieres and Oxfam, groups that advocate 'safe sex' and 'condom' use to prevent the spread of AIDS.

  • Tater-T

    Would you be surprised if it were?

  • designs

    YMCA we're gonna met at the Y M C A!!!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Not surprised at all. The level of homosexual behavior by priests is high. Not including pedo's of course. A Catholic school here in Los Angeels was dismantled 10 years ago from all the lawsuits that were pending. A friend of mine who had attended there in the late 70's said the priests who were gay were always on the lookout for new boys coming into the school.

    This should be interesting

  • wasblind

    LOL @ Tater-T

    I never realized Popes and Pimps had so much in commom

    1) Capes 2) Bling 3) Walkin' stick 4) Pope mobile and cadillacs


  • mrsjones5

    Don't forget the red shoes.

  • wasblind

    Oh yea Josie. You know they gotta be seen

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